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Then we finally reached the mall, then he park his car, then we went inside... “heyy kid just follow me don't go anywhere or else I'll leave you, you'll be lost” “heyy I'm not a kid, I know this place” then he went beside me and he put his right arm on my shoulder, then I blushed... Again... Then we went in H&M and TOPMAN to buy his clothes, then I bought in Chanel cuz it's my favorite, then he asked me “psst kid we'll buy a puma brand too, and buy what I'll buy” when he asked me that, then something went on my mind that we're not couple but when I bought what he will... We'll be look like a couple, then why he want to? “umm j-jungkook can I ask you?” “what is it” “then why do you want me to buy the same as you?” I asked him with a bit nervous “why had a problem” and, I don't think this is the time to ask him if he like me cuz it's weird but I'll try “j-jungkook.. D-do you l-like m-” “no, I don't kid don't be assuming, I don't like you, I don't like any people” then I started to feel broken when he said that, cuz I had a feelings for him

Time skipue~~
Sorry for too much skip haha, I don't know how to but let's move on to the net hehe

I fell for a hot bad boy | JIKOOK FFМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя