The jayonce Fan-fiction award

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Hey y'all, I don't know if all of you know about this, but some great great people had the amazing idea of creating an award for the best books, best author, etc... for Jayonce fanfics!

I was really excited cuz we really put some great effort and time to update this stories for you and the best thing is to actually see that people read it and like it, it's really amazing to be rewarded for your work, mainly when you love doing it.

SOOOO... Anyway I just wanted to ask you guys to go vote for me, I've been nominated as Best Author (great honor btw), yall just have to type  jayonce Fan-fiction award on search and go to the last chapter updated and comment to vote for me! :DDD Oh, and you can also vote for some other books that have been nominated that are pretty amazing in my opinion, this will be very fun!

Thank you for every single one of you that had been supporting me, even if I don't win, I'm just happy I've been nominated! 


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