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We took off the face masks and washed our faces.

Kouvr- Ight girls Let's go to my room to talk about some private things
Me- But it's too far, and this time I'm not joking
Addison- Dylan can you carry her
Dylan- Sure

He smirked and walked over to me. He literally threw me on his back.


We all laughed. He brought me to Kouvrs room and dropped me on the bed. The girls came and he left.

Avani- So it's obvious that both of those boys like you
Me- OMG no
Dixie- Who likes me?
Me- Uh, I'm sorry but I can't tell you, I don't wanna lose his trust
Dixie- Oh ok
Charli- What langue do you speak other than English
Me- I know Spanish and Italian
Addison- Really? That's cool
Me- Yeah But I don't speak too much of Italian
Avani- Ok but Have you seen the way Dylan and Adrian look at you
Me- Bruh, you know what, I might just hang out with the boys
Addison- But it's true they both like you
Me- I'm gonna hang out with them, bye

I smiled and left to Chases room.

Chase- Did you tell them that someone likes Dixie
Me- I didn't say the name because I don't wanna lose his trust so...
Mattia- Why are you here
Me- Because the girls kept on saying "Do you see the way Adrian and Dylan look at you" and I just came here
Nick- But do you see the way they look at you
Me- Omg not you too
Nick- I'm just kidding

I sat on Chases bed on my phone then I heard the whisper something. I couldn't really hear though.

Then I heard them laughing. I glared at them and they were in a small circle whispering something.

Then Dylan and Adrian came up to me and sat on either side of the bed.

Dylan- Have I ever told you how cute you are
Adrian- Fuck, your so gorgeous
Me- Uh Thanks?
Dylan- Do you think we should have a threesome?
Adrian- That's a great idea!
Me- Y'all boys are wild. I might go back to the girls now, bye

I practically ran out the room and went to Kouvrs room and locked the door.

Avani- Whats wrong
Me- Nothing it's that's Dylan was like "Do you think we should have a threesome?" And then Adrian was like "Yeah that's a good idea!" Like wtf, them boys wild
Addison- Should've accepted it, they could've rearranged your guts
Me- BRUH, you know what I'll be downstairs not near you guys or the boys

I gave them a smile and went downstairs and sat on the couch on my phone.

I was scrolling through tiktok when I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked up and Dylan was there. I left it because this was somewhat normal for us.

Me- What do you want
Dylan- I want... you

I heard a quiet laugh so I knew it was a prank. Two can play at this game.

Me- Oh really now
Dylan- Yeah
Me- Bet
Dylan- Wait, really?
Me- Yeah, you want me, so ima give you me

Dylan look shocked and didn't know what to say.

Dylan- Uh-Uh um erm uh um-
Me- I'm kidding but for real, what do you want
Dylan- Ion know, I'm bored
Me- If you were bored you wouldn't be trying to prank me
Charli- How'd you know
Me- Y'all need to laugh quieter
Addison- Dylan, you'd should've kissed her
Dylan- Im not a good actor

He smirked.

Dylan- But we can do it
Me- Ight, dats it, I need to speak to all of you, boys and girls sit on the couch so we can have a talk

I stood up in front while they sat down.

Me- Listen, Dylan and Adrian are my BEST FRIENDS other than Chase and the girls
Nick- Ouch
Me- And Nick
Ryland- Ouch
Me- And Ryland
Alex- Ouch
Me- And some others so DO NOT ship us, any questions?
Chase- What if you and one of them end up dating?
Me- Then we date but I doubt that'll happen
Avani- If Dylan Or Adrian make a move then that could happen but they have no balls
Me- Any other questions
Dixie- Can someone look at me like Adrian and Dylan look at her?
Me- Bruh, y'all are mad annoying, the only one that can ship me with anyone here is Chase
Chase- So can I say I ship you with Dylan
Me- Yeah so that's it I'll be in the backyard
Adrian- But it's 9 pm

Tg= The girls

Tg- We love a protective boyfriend
Me- Fuck all of you except for Chase and Kairi

I left to the backyard and sat on the edge of the pool with my feet in the water. I was just looking at the horizon.

It reminded me of my grandparents that died in a car crash when they were trying to get full custody of me when I was 5 but died.

I was starting to tear up. I don't know why but I was expecting someone to come and comfort me. It's whatever.


It was around 9:45 when I went inside and nobody was near the living room. I went upstairs to my room and Dylan nor Adrian was there. I went to Charli's room and the girls weren't there. I went to Chase's room and nobody was there.

I shrugged it off and went back to my room. I was on my phone when the door opened. I should've checked but I didn't care.

Thomas- Where are they
Me- Who?
Thomas- The girls and boys
Me- I have no idea
Thomas- Check under your bed
Me- Why?
Thomas- Because, just do it
Me- Ok?

I looked under my bed and there was a note.

"You found the note! Meet me in your bestie's room. Hint: Boy."

I looked at Thomas and he had a smile.

Me- Do you-
Thomas- No, lets go

I stood up and went in Chases room. I found another note on his bed.

"Another note congrats! Look up and go to there'll be another note that says a name. Go to that persons crush."

I looked up and it says my name. But who do I like?

1064 words

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