Chapter 13

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It was well into September now, yet we were still experiencing a heat wave in the UK. Normally this time of year it's started to cool down slightly, jumpers come out of hibernation and the leaves start falling. However, when I woke up on Sunday morning the sun was still shining in an almost completely cloudless sky and dust blown over from the Saharan desert had turned the sky a hazy red, even well into the day like a permanent sunrise.

I wasn't complaining though. I was a couple of months away from being able to learn to drive so the sunshine meant the cycle from my house to The Steam Room was fairly pleasant. There was nothing more miserable than having to cycle in the pouring rain when you couldn't hitch a lift from someone.

After a 10 minute cycle and only one run in with a driver with road rage, I pulled up outside and locked my bike into the cycle rack. 

Although The Steam Room was closed on Sunday's Ella, her mum and dad still came in to do stock take. Of course Jemima was always conveniently busy....

Although it doesn't sound fun, normally Oli and I came and helped because Ella's parents would feed us and then let us hang out for a while listening to music after they'd gone.

I knocked on the front door and smiled as Ella came over to open it for me.

'Wow you look..' I took in Ella's hair that had been scraped back into a messy bun. Her usual warm completion was ash white and she was wearing grey tracks paired with the biggest T-shirt I think she owned.

'I know. Like I'm hanging out my asshole.' She locked the door behind me before turning back to me. 'Trust me, I am.'

I followed Ella over to the bar where Oli and Ella's parents were sat chatting.

'Hi Tony, Alison.'

Ella's mum pulled me into a hug and kissed the side of my head.
'Hi sweetheart.'

'Oliver.' I nodded in greeting as he side hugged me.

After quickly catching up we all helped finishing what was left of the stock take. They must've sped through it today as it didn't take too long to finish off and Ella's parents were leaving.

'Ok kids, there's burritos heating up in the oven and help yourself to drinks.' Tony said. 'Ella don't forget to put the alarm on when you lock up.'

Ella rolled her eyes at the comment she heard every Sunday afternoon without fail.
'Yes dad.'

With her parents gone we were finally able to catch up on the party last night. With music playing in the background and food to fill our bellies we started updating each other.

'We're starting with you first Vi.' Ella announced.

'And I get that honour because?'

'Because you and Zac getting cosy was not something we were expecting to happen. If anything we would've guessed a different boy, but we won't mention him...'

'We weren't getting cosy.' I said defensively, crossing my arms.

Oli and Ella shared a look before laughing.
'Uh, yeah you were. You practically spent the whole night with him. Ditched me and Oli but that's ok because you deserved a fun night. Kane definitely wasn't happy though.' She said glancing at Oli who nodded in agreement.

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