Chapter 17

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Monday lunchtime Kane sought me out, calling my name across the cafeteria gaining more than just my attention.

'Hey, you ok?' I asked when he caught up to me.

'The maths exam I just had almost killed me but apart from that good thanks.'

'Ouch, maths exam on a Monday morning. Whoever your teacher is must hate you.'

'It's Mr Philips, I can confirm that he despises all teenagers and I'm probably at the top of his shit list.'

'Why? Because of your sunny personality and passion for numbers?'

'You're right on the money sweetheart.' Kane smirked. 'So I wondered if you were still on for hanging out some time? You free Friday night?'

The Kane that had seemed nervous when he first asked me on Saturday night had vanished, and now in his place was the cool, confident version that I knew girls swooned over. Actually I could see a number of them within earshot giving me evil glares.

'Friday works for me. What have you got in mind?'

'Do you want to go see that new horror movie?'

I pulled a face.

Horror and me didn't exactly go well...

My first introduction with horror came when Dad and Jacob convinced me to watch this Japanese film with them. I lasted a total of 30 minutes and spent the rest of the night hugging the toilet bowl.

In my defence I did find out later it's been ranked as one of the hardest horror movies to watch and somehow my dad didn't seem to think it would be inappropriate for a 13 year old.

However, if it was the film I was thinking of then I was sure I was going to be ok. Jacob had seen it last week and deemed it a pile of shit because it had no gore in it, which for me made it perfect.

'Oh I're just hoping you'll get two hours of me clinging onto your arm out of fear.'

'Well it would be ungentlemanly of me to not offer my arm to a young woman in distress. I'm not a monster.' His hand went to his chest as if I'd just offended him but the sparkle in his eyes showed he was joking.

'You're right. How dare I doubt your motives.' I said sarcastically. 'Ok I'm in.'

'Great!' He said giving me a heart stopping smile. 'It's my biceps that's convinced you isn't it?'

I laughed drawing more attention to us.
'You caught me, I just can't resist.'

Kane snorted and ran a hand carelessly through his messy hair. Watching him I could easily see what was making the girls in the cafeteria wish they could stab me.

'I'll leave you to hang out with your mates but I'll text you later.' With one last grin and a wink he sauntered off, giving me a quick glance over his shoulder as he left to go to the field.

'Well what was that about?' Ella asked with a knowing smirk as I sat down at our usual table.

'You'll be pleased to know I've accepted a date for Friday night.'

Ella shrieked making anyone that hadn't already been looking over glance at our table.

Where Jacob was sat with his friends, he gave me a look to see what all the fuss was about but I shrugged in response.

'She's right this is great. Screw Zac and his confusing signals. We're all for Violet and Kane. Kiolet!' Oli added with an enthusiastic clap of his hands.

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