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Ryan gathers the papers on his desk and neatly stacks them together

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Ryan gathers the papers on his desk and neatly stacks them together. Chris had brought this up to the man, begged him for one. He needed to see this through. He wasn't gonna let anything else mess up his family he built. It startled the Alpha. Chris had never once asked for something for the benefit of others to change. His eyes spoke something different that day. He believes the change of heart came from the newborn pup, from the Alpha's newest nephew. Chris's eyes held something different in them now.

His fingers tap at the desk as he looks over everything once again since this morning. He's been at this for three hours, making sure to have everything to bring up in front of everyone for the three day meetings. His eyes dart to his mate as she sucks in her own breath. Nervous for the meeting her own self, she smiles at the man. Her eyes hold hope in them.

"It's all gonna work out."

She hopes anyway. Ryan nods and smiles, sucking in his own breath and releasing before he stands. His hand reaches out for his mate and he heads out to the front of the building. He's spent the last month getting the correct information together. Speaking to different pack members and asking if anyone would be willing to be a witness. A few agreeing instantly. He's glad to know some of his pack still cares about the others.

He feels pride at that.

He's doing something right.

He stops at the waiting room, he clears his throat as Y/N looks up to the man. She's still unsure of this. She doesn't want to be remembered as this woman who couldn't tolerate things. Who didn't hold herself as the Goddess would. Grace and Kaylie had basically convinced her the moment they heard of the meeting she needed to do this. No matter what happens they would support her. They always would too.

She's grateful for these two ladies. They will forever mean the world to her and she's hopeful they know that. They didn't have to be her friend or at her side. Much less help her find her way in to the pack. Even listen to her at the times she was unsure of things. They took her in and considered her one of them as soon as they could. They helped her come around. She adores these ladies. Her life wouldn't be the same without them.

"You ready?"

Ryan asks.

Y/N's eyes dart to Grace who gives a comforting smile. She pulls her friend into a hug and pats at her back careful of the pup who is resting his head on his mom's shoulder. Grace pulls away and smiles, giving a comforting squeeze before she pulls away. Y/N nods and looks at the Alpha before turning to look back at Grace suddenly unsure all over again. She mouths the words you got this and she notes to repeat the words.

Y/N nods, "Yes. I'm ready."

Ryan gives his own smile, nodding to the woman and her sleeping child to follow behind him and his mate to the office.

He gives solemn sigh as he takes the seat after the ladies do and Grace reaches out for the newborn baby. Orson sighs in his sleep and shifts to rest his head on the blonde woman's chest, her hand patting at the baby's back to keep him peacefully asleep.

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