Chapter Six

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As we race along the hard concrete pavement the recent questioning races through my mind.

Why did Chloe lie about Mr Miller's early morning training?

Did she know he wasn't going to tell the rest of the class?

Was there something else happening between them over the holidays?

I know I should trust her, we have been friends since primary school, but something isn't right.

Why would Mr Miller only want Chloe down at the pool that morning?

And should I watch Chloe a bit closer than normal?

One thing was for sure; I couldn't tell the others. I had to be 100% sure. No one would forgive me otherwise.

Suddenly I hear a rustle in the bushes on our left, my swarming thoughts had blocked my senses and I hadn't realised that someone was watching us.

Quickly, I nudge Chloe's arm and use my head to nod her in the direction of the stalker. She nods in confirmation and squeezes my hand. As we round the corner to our boarding house the wind picks up. I glance back to check for prowling eyes and see Jonathan Noles fleeing the scene. Chloe whips her head around just in time to watch as he disappears around the bend.

"Jonathan Noles?" Chloe pants, once we are safely at the boarding entrance.

"Yeah, isn't he in Jackie's class?" I question.

"Yeah! Do you think he is connected to Mr Miller?"

"I don't know. What would the motive be?"

"No idea but he is a boarder, so he had the ability."

"Hmmm... yeah. Let's ask the others."     

Chloe and I race down the long hallways to our dorm and find Jackie and Mia chatting on the couch.

"Guys, we need to talk." I say, urgently.

"Yes we do." Mia replies.

After settling down in Jackie's room, Chloe and I relay our conversation with the police and the recent run-in with Jonathan Noles. I leave out the fact that only we knew of the 'early morning training' and Chloe doesn't mention it.

"Jonathan Noles?" Jackie exclaims. "He's in my class!"

"I know it's crazy!" Mia says in shock.

"Why though? What's his motive?" Jackie asks.

"That's what we were stumped on." I explain.

"He has never said anything against Mr Miller. Not many people did." Jackie says sadly.

"Mr Miller was only like 22, this made him the most chill teacher in school." Chloe adds.

"Jackie, you watch Jonathan tomorrow. See what you can find out about him." I declare.

"Ok, good idea." Jackie says.

"You guys said you also found a lead?" Chloe questions Mia and Jackie.

"Yeah, Samantha Turner." Mia explains, "She was questioning Jackie and I after you guys left lunch today. We've had questions before but these were deep."

"She wanted to know who was on our suspect list, what we thought the murder weapon was. Everything!" Jackie continues.

"Well, tomorrow we will all watch out for our two most promising suspects at the moment." I say authoritatively.

"Let's go over what we know." Chloe suggests after we agree on my idea.

"Mr Miller was killed late Sunday night." Jackie says.

"With a knife." I add.

"And then tossed in the pool." Mia continues.

And somehow Chloe is connected, I think.

"Do you think the police have any promising suspects?" Jackie queries.

"I doubt it." Chloe says.

"Yeah same. They looked pretty stumped." I add.

We all sigh as we let the endless theories swamp our minds.

"Ok time for a movie." Mia decides.

"Then dinner." Jackie adds with a smile.

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