Chapter 11

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John's P.O V

"Deaky? Are you alright? Deaks?" Brian's voice rang in my ears.

My eyes fluttered open.

"Bri?" My voice was scratched up.

"What happened? You okay?" Brian looked at me with worry.

I then realised that I was sitting up against a wall of some building.

"Yes I am alright, they got Julie and the girls" I blanked quickly.

"Who?" Brian tilted his head in confusion.

"Prince Paul and Princess Kelly" I stood up slowly.

"Those Printers. What are we going to do with them?" Brian shook his head.

" I don't know but we can't turn back now, let's figure something out when we have Roger and Freddie back".

"Good idea now let's go".

And so with that we made it to our next village in time before the weather started to pick up again when I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my back.

"Ah!" I cried in agony.


"They're doing something to Julie" I was breathing heavily.

"What are they doing?" .

" I don't know".

A/N: hey guys sorry for the short chapter I updated this story late at night so I am running out of ideas I will make it up to you next chapter.

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