Chapter 1

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Wouldn't you think having the money, cars, homes, and the man would be the life? Well, you see, I thought the same thing. Yeah I though I had it all. But, even though it made me happy something was missing, something big. I didn't make on my own, it was me and Roc Royal as you may know him. I longed to Chrestanto to show me more attention even though it was given to another as we were together. I Now, I now, I know what you're thinking "You are one of the dumbest bitches out there to know your man is cheating and don't do a damn thing about it? What's up with that?". It's only because I want him to be happy you know, if he can't find it with me then, at least with someone else. Roc is a good man, a very good one, and I know I let my pride and self esteem get away only because I'm hard on myself and won't let a thing break a strong woman like me. Aleast, that's what I thought. So sit back and let me tell how it was before this.

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