my world

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Chapter one

Emma's POV'

Sitting at the corner of my room, on the wall barefooted, a lot of thoughts inside my head.

my eye lids are being like a balloon and my eyes are red. My tear is dropped on one side of my cheek from my left eye like it was crossing a road and suddenly stopped at a middle of its way.

My hair is tied at its end ways which is parting in two and the tied end ways laid on both of my shoulders.

I was talking by my self, "am I the only one being like this on this world, why me of all people who can be able of handling this more better than me?"

My room door opened all of a sudden I automatically wiped away my tears and pretended like I was focused on a picture of a charming boy on my drawing book.

"Are you still drawing, haven't you finished yet? " it was my daddy voice standing behind me.

"Oh , yeah dad I haven't yet" I replied. "Oh my girl you are much like me!"he smiled and went out.

I precipitately stood up and put my drawing book on the table and went to washroom.

I stare at my face on the mirror and grab full of water with my palm and sprinkled on my face. Then swept it with a towel.
Going back to my room and sat in front of the chest drawer, Started spruce some makeups on my face. Cause I was so bored and once I heard that sprucing makeups when you are bored can boost your mood so I was trying to that trick.

My phone rung:
"Hey Emma its me Hailey !"
" oh yeah, Wat's up girl?" I replied.
" what takes you so long I'm standing about half an hour come out quickly!"

Oh God! 'damn shit!' why did I forgot this, thankfully I almost finished my makeup. I hurriedly wore a jeans with a cropped top with superimposing a black leather jacket and went out to meet her.

We went for shopping, that was our plan for that day.

** **
"Come on honey wakeup hurry up, fast, are you gonna late for your school today too?" My mom shouted while coming closer to my bed then deplume my blanket.

I usually late for school this days. I don't know what's up to me but the past week I was consequently late for class and also our school principal held a conversation with my mom about me because of only I was late that week.

I was too lazy to take up from my bed I was too tired .

Finally I rose up and stare at the clinking watch at the top of the wall in front of my bed. It was an item which my best friend bought me a gift from a gift shop around our neighbor as my birthday present, no body seems to notice that but her and she just wanna make it simple and make me happy.

"Oops what the heck, the time ti..m...." I jump off from my bed and started wearing my uniform hurriedly and went out.

"Ufff ....uff... My heart is about to skip!" I was running like crazy. "Oh my God shit! I forgot to bring my chemistry assignment?" I checked everywhere in my backpack, I couldn't find it.

"Whatever!🙄 no matter what I can't turn back to home now it's too late" I continued running.
.... ....

"Oh my.... Hey Danny can you hand me that....?"
" look, that.. behind your desk.... I mean the pencil around your leg I just drooped that." I smiled staring at him.

" oh okay I got it" he smiled too, and stooped and took the pencil from the ground.
He is my classmate we've been on the same class, since last year 10th grade and now too by coincidence, his sit is in front of mine.

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