Ominiscent prolouge

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Those things use to mean something. Those things alone use to hold merit in society.

Now it's just simple things that happen everyday without any apprehension to it. But if we're being completely honest, it has always been like this. We were just better at dressing it up.

But we got lazy.

It's the year 2030. People look back in the past and remember the time when they thought there would be flying pigs and personal propellers.

In reality, there's only processed cuisine, artificial 'natural' resources, polluted habitats, and a brand new legal system.


Raciology, Apportion, Methodology.

After Donald Trump became president of the U.S. for another four years, things went haywire. He not only completely dominated the U.S., but managed to gain control over every other country in the world. All in the span of eight years.

All from the mass production of R.A.M.

When the organization first started to blossom in America, it started off as a 'choice'.

A choice in the matter to either keep the God given skin you have or, chemically/scientifically reduce the melanin/pigment you naturally have in your flesh.

It was first treated as a type of 'plastic surgery'. A new trend that every dominating insecure celebrity made as a popular trend on social media. It became the new thing all the little black and brown kids begged their parents for so they can eat at the popular table at lunch. In a way like bleaching skin but permanently.

It became a wanted 'necessity'.

That was until Trump passed this new law.

This new theory, if I may.

This theory that if P.O.C were to have the pigment of their skin physically reduced, then the crime rates in America, even in the world, will lower and eventually perish.

The idea was to 'even' the privilege of white Americans. The idea that oppression will cease to exist without privilege.

But the whites didn't like that.

So instead, they decided to make everyone privileged. By making everyone white. But they seem to miss the whole point in the matter.

So, Trump made the law to force every P.O.C to undergo the chemically reducing surgery.

That's when all Hell broke entirely loose.

Black, Hispanic, Dominican, Native American, Middle Eastern, men, women, and children were all being kidnapped and forced to undergo the very painful experiment of physically and chemically reducing the melanin that is their skin. But before the law even was thought about being enforced, they needed lab rats.

So they secretly started to forcefully use P.O.C prisoners to test their experiments out. The government's seen it as the perfect opportunity. After all, 'criminals' are seen as less than human already, imagine a black prisoner. They called it reincarnation.

As R.A.M progressed, so did the many followers on proceeding with this new law.

Until it was worldwide.

Anyone with an actual heart would know that the thought of even doing this to a human forcefully, imagine a baby, but the followers looked as it as some type of sick rehabilitation.

The followers are called Phychmans( sike-mans )

As cruel as it was, it worked. But not how they expected it. The experiment didn't only alter their appearance but it made something alter internally as well. It made something crack inside of them. For the worse.

The worldwide action of 'restoring damaged goods', in this case, people. People thought that this was the sign from god that white people are and always were the superior race, just as their ancestors sworn.

Trump made another law stating that every newborn baby that's born with any type of pigment in their skin has to undergo the procedure as soon as they turn one.

They thought everything was great for a couple of years, and it was if you didn't include the steady but abundant growing process of pollution that was brought by the dehumanizing experimentations.

And the higher P.O.C suicide rates.

Then, the end all started with two women of two different races. One black, the other white. They most certainly did not share anything alike, especially their viewpoint on the world before and after this peculiar pandemic.

One woman lived and breathed to protect her P.O.C community and would stop at nothing to have justice for them.

The other lived and breathed to do the exact opposite.

But R.A.M held numerous secrets.

When these two women finally find out what R.A.M truly holds, they're forced to put aside their many differences and work together to save the world.

What they started wasn't something intentional, but they were held greatly abided. If only R.A.M. knew that those two women will be the end of R.A.M and the start of everything that comes after.

But I guess they'll just have to be up for a boorish,  rude awakening.


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