One - the beginning

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The window was a beautiful sight. Clear as glass, as the view outside was so bold it was captivating. The moving scenery was mesmerizing as it was aesthetic. It felt like she was moving with it. With the people outside. Felt like she was a part of their lives. Part of those little beautiful moments that happen, sometimes on the streets. Loved ones meeting each other after a long time. Hugs and kisses shared while whirling each other around. So much love around. As was the hurt. The silent bystanders watching with hurt in their eyes. Once it was them in that place. Once it was them in the arms of the one they loved. Once it was them smiling. Now they stand watching with loneliness being their best friend as it kisses them good night. But that was the beauty of it all. How so much can be in one place. How so many emotions can be felt by one person. How so many things no matter how little they are can be so profound. How so much can be felt by just looking out of a window of a moving bus.

The heart is such a wondrous thing. Such a beautiful, wondrous thing.

With that head of brown hair on the window as she looked by, she knew being a part of something great is not always necessary to bring change. The little things were so beautiful and profound when looked into. She just wanted to be a part of something. Something where she knew of her worth and where she would be appreciated. Where she could smile and laugh carelessly without thinking of tomorrow or today or night or morning but just, just this moment.

This wonderful moment where she was in all her glory, herself.

Where she could be anyone. She could be a Collins or a Whetherbee and it wouldn't matter! How amazing that she could be anything that she wanted. Absolutely anything. No matter how long it took for her to realise it, she was glad she did. Didn't matter when, just that she did.

As she closed her journal, never had she felt so accomplished. So satisfied. Where the words just begged to come out. She wouldn't survive if she didn't let them. It was nerve wracking and so beautiful. So fulfilling.

Stepping out the bus and walking on the streets that she now only saw in her dreams, was surreal. Streets where she had been her worst and best self. Where she had lost and found so many lessons. She only had her backpack on which was filled to the brim with books and journals. And in her pocket was her tiny notebook and pen for when she had the sudden urge to write whenever inspiration struck. For absolutely anything could be her muse. In these times she would bring it out and sit anywhere, on the ground too if the need be and just write her heart out.

Oh, such a beautiful sight she was. Just like everybody else is, when in their element.

She was keen, curious and wondrous. At the same time being oblivious to the crystals watching her all through the bus ride with amusement and curiosity that could never be fulfilled.

The house was the same. And she wondered how they had gotten their hands on it after years. But she was glad. Living here would not be the same if not in the same house.

The door was the same. A copper bell attached to it that she would ring as a child, perched on her father's shoulders. The memories were always there. She had taken them with her along with everything else, but that one part of herself that she didn't know she had left behind. Now, she was here to get it back and relive everything all the while creating new memories.

She was quite relieved to see that everything was the same inside, too. Not surprised at all that the house had already been arranged just how she remembered it. No doubt her mother's doing. That woman could never stop herself and was probably in the kitchen at the moment tinkering around with her crockery that nobody else in the house was allowed to touch. Knowing her dad, he must be in garage.

The stairs didn't change. Claire was just missing.

She smiled as she entered her room knowing there was a lot that had to be changed. But she couldn't care less right now, because all she had been waiting to do was sleep.

And that's what she did.


"Susanna, come here baby" Her dad called out as she finished drying the dinner dishes her mom had washed.

Orson looked at his daughter as she came to the living room rubbing her hands together and looking at him expectantly. He knew she deserved much more, but there was only so much he could do for her before she found her own path. He was worried and happy for the beautiful woman she had transformed into. It was going to be hard for such a soft heart, out in the cruel world. He was afraid she might become one of them, but he knew her. And he believed in her which was all she could ever ask for.

"You wanted something or just wanted to stare at me creepily?" She asked with a smile and a hand on her hip.

"Got your supplies for your first day tomorrow?"

"Of course. I know I'm careless dad, but please. Have a little faith in your firstborn."

"I meant school supplies honey, not pranking supplies." He said offering a sarcastic smile.

She had to laugh at that.

"I don't want you expelled this time. And did you even inform your friends that you were back?" He asked shaking his head at her sweet smile.

"You should, you know. Don't want April having a heart attack tomorrow, that girl is frail enough."

"She won't Dad. I'll make sure to only give her a minor one."

"I don't understand you sometimes."

She laughs as she makes her way to the stairs.

"Does anyone?" She mutters lowly.

"Better be up early tomorrow!" He calls out.

After assuring her Dad that she would make sure Mum would not go into hulk mode tomorrow and begrudgingly promising that she would indeed wake early, she stumbles to the bed and falls.


At least, that's what she convinced herself to believe.

Showing up unannounced after leaving for a year without warning, she could only imagine the kind of wrath waiting.

Oh, what a day to look forward too.


That was Chapter One! I promise the chapters will get longer. Thank you everyone, for reading. Means a lot. Please vote if you liked it and comment what you think. Thank you, again!

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