Chapter 1// the woods

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Nina's POV:

Damn it's cold. I'm currently walking through the woods that belonged to my hometown, well I'm not quite sure if I'm still there since it's been like 6 hours since I saw the last road sign, but I'll just guess. I just got into a huge fight with my caretaker Molly. I mean I can't say I hate her, because no one deserves that. But I can't say I favor her either. It's...


You see, I grew up without parents.

Yeah, I know. I don't like that either.

They decided that I was 'too big of a responsibility' and gave me to child services, or whatever the hell its called, only for me to be adopted (god I dislike that word so much) by Molly. I was about 6 when that happened and obviously didn't understand...

the world. And how it works.

And also how some people 'work'. Or as what. That's also the reason as to why I got into a fight.

- Molly actually owns a Bordell.
- I just turned 18.

See what she did there? She wants me to work there... as a dancer. You see, I have absolutely nothing against all that stripper stuff, I am actually quite intrigued by it, but it's not for me. I don't like having that kind of attention on myself. I'm the kinda girl that reads, listens to music or even plays the guitar now and then. I don't go out and wear revealing stuff. Well, I don't go out in general but that's not the point. Anyways I told her I didn't want to and she tried to guilt trip me by saying " I gave you everything and you can't even do this one thing!"
No. I can't. So I left. I don't have a lot of stuff anyways, I'm not a very material person, so I have everything I need in my backpack while I'm currently walking in the step by step scarier getting woods. I decided to walk into the woods in hopes of finding some kind of abandoned cabin, with no luck. I check my watch


Well shit. I expected to find shelter (that sounds so scary) by now and didn't really plan on having to sleep out here, but by the looks of it I'm guessing that's what I'll have to do. You know what, I'll just keep walking for a while. It's not like I can get deeper in shit than I already am,


Right. As I walk down the given path, I can't help but notice- IT'S A GIVEN PATH! I haven't seen one for like 3 hours, mind you I've been walking for almost 7 hours now, and I finally found another one! Let me explain why I'm so excited;

given paths= civilization.

There must be someone living here, or at least working here. Bingo! I see some kind of light pushing through all the branches and leafs of this wild ass forest. Somebody should really take care of it sometime, it's practically a jungle.

suddenly I hear a loud *creak*

Wait. What the hell was that?

I walk further into this jungle of a forest, occasionally ducking from wild branches hanging in front of my face and practically trying to slice my eyes out.
After pushing what felt like fifty branches out of my face I suddenly stop walking.

A house.

A pretty nice one actually, it's visibly a little old but it's still pretty nice. As I'm admiring the house from afar the front door slowly opens. I furrow my eyebrows.


It's a guy, but not the kinda guy you'd expect to live in the middle of nowhere, you know? When I think of a guy living in the middle of the woods I visualize a tall, broad and most importantly: old man. But no, this guy was probably in his early 20s, hell, he could be the same age as me for all I know!

Now wait a minute... is that a quiff? Damn... okay he's kinda cute too. He slowly walks down the stairs of the front porch and sits down on the last row. He lazily swings his legs around so they're on the stairs too and leans on the post that keeps the porch roof steady for comfort.

Why does he look even hotter like that?

Wait, it's kinda wrong for me to stare at him like that without him knowing. I should uh, probably make my way over to him and talk to him


I probably shouldn't though, he could be some crazy guy for all I know!

Nah that's bullshit, I'm not exactly sane myself, walking through some deserted forest by myself, looking for a place to stay. Hell, to steal! I haven't really thought about it like that actually... but whatever. I can't exactly make up my mind, now that I've walked half a day into the middle of nowhere, so I guess I'll just make my way over to him.

Hi there! It's me, the author. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm not a professional so bare with me hehe. But also, this isn't my first time writing (I haven't published my other books). Please note that this story isn't copied, I naturally took inspiration from my favorite works (not only on Wattpad) and made a story mixed with things I'm interested in; Psychology, Justin Bieber and people. Anyways, make sure you comment on the story and give me feedbacks! Much love🤍

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