Afterlife Part 5

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"Come on every pony, smile smile smile! Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine! All I really need's a smile, smile, smile! From these happy friends of mine!"

Luan groaned and rolled over to hit snooze on her alarm before rolling back over and wrapping herself in the covers like a cocoon.

"Dude, you've hit the snooze button 14 times now," Luna pointed out to her, "and it's almost noon, you've gotta get out of bed at some point."

"Just leave me alone," Luan groaned, pulling the pillow over her head.

"You know, if you get any more gloomy, we're gonna have to call you Lucy 2," Luna teased her.

"Whatever," Luan replied, trying to block out Luna.

"Don't you have parties to clown at today?" Luna asked her.

"Nope," Luan said, "I haven't been to a party in a week. I just can't."

"Listen," Luna said, "I get that you're upset, but you can't stay like this forever."

"I know," Luan said, burying her face in the pillow before sitting up and sighing "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be so whiny and depressing..."

"You're fine," Luna assured her, sitting next to her and patting her on the back, "I mean, given how much the two of you hung out around each other, I'm not surprised that you miss him."

"It's kinda funny," Luan said, "he always worried that he was bothering me and called himself my shadow because he thought I was annoyed by him, but honestly... the reason I kept telling jokes was because of him."

"What do you mean?" Luna asked.

"I mean, I know you guys didn't exactly like my jokes most of the time," Luan said, "and there were plenty of times when I thought about giving it up... but Lio was always amused by my jokes. He didn't laugh at all of them, but he appreciated my humour. If I could cheer one person up with my jokes, then I'm doing my job as a comedian."

Luna thought about cracking a joke of her own about Lio always being a little on the cuckoo or how he was easily amused, but declined, feeling that it would be in bad taste and probably upset Luan even more. So she talked about something else instead.

"Well you certainly didn't have to do much to convince him to join your side on April Fools Day," Luna mentioned, "you two made the perfect Joker/ Harley Quinn combination on those days. And by that, I mean you two were fucking evil"

Luan giggled and said "Yeah, I guess we were," She smiled and said "it helped that he was the only one who actually remembered when my birthday was."

"Hey, do you think he's maybe taking a page out of your book on the other side?" Luna asked. "You know, telling jokes to anyone who'll listen and pulling pranks on the big man in charge?"

"That'd be funny," Luan chuckled, "but I'm honestly worried about him."

"Why?" Luna asked.

"You know he hated being around people he didn't know," Luan reminded her, "and I don't want him to be alone and scared in Heaven."

"Hey, who says he's in heaven? Maybe he's being a little devil and pulling one over on Lucifer!" Luna joked, instantly regretting her words and mentally kicking herself for even thinking saying such a thing would be funny.

"Don't even joke like that!" Luan called her out.

"I'm sorry," Luna genuinely apologized, "that was wrong for me to say and I didn't mean to imply that he was in hell."

"I mean, you could've at least phrased it like George Carlin," Luan said, "you know, I think he's down there, screaming up at us." Luan didn't laugh at her own joke for once and said "but seriously, I hope Lio's alright wherever he is."

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