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Tuesday: 6am

Hailey's POV: I woke up to my alarm ringing in my ear and I had a pounding headache, everyone from my new unit Intelligence at the 21st District took me to Molly's last night to celebrate my first day. I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed, I went straight to the kitchen and made myself a coffee and took some advil in the hope that my head won't feel like WW2 all day. I drank my coffee at the counter then I went into the bathroom I put my hair up in a messy bun and brushed my teeth then I got a quick shower. I got out of the shower and got changed into some black ripped jeans my white oversized t-shirt and my denim jacket, I kept my hair in the messy bun on the top of my head. I left the bedroom putting my gun in my holster on my waist and put my badge on my belt and I lifted my keys and drove to the district.

Jay's POV: I was in the breakroom making myself a coffee when I saw Hailey walk up the stairs I smiled as I saw her and continued making my coffee she walked into the breakroom and I hear a quiet "Hey " come from behind me, I turned around and smiled "Hey, you feeling rough?" Hailey glaired at me raising an eyebrow I said "What I just mean you drunk a lot!" She smirked and made herself a coffee. I went to my desk and sat there drinking my coffee as I looked through the stack of paperwork I had to do by Friday, I sighed and made a start to the mountain of paperwork on my desk, I saw Hailey in the corner of my eye walk over to her desk across from me I looked up at her and smiled, she glaired at me again and I looked straight back down at my paperwork raising an eyebrow with a bit of a smirk on my face.

Hailey's POV: I was sat at my desk looking at the small pile of paperwork I had, compared to what everyone else had my eyes went wide thinking that I was going to have all of that on my desk one day I sighed and got on with the paperwork I had.

A few hours later / end of shift

Hailey's POV: I had just finished all of my paperwork right on time for the end of shift and my head was still killing me I sighed and stood up from my desk and felt a rush of dizziness over my head, I held my head and stood there for a second and walked over to the locker room and grabbed my things and went out to my car.

Jay's POV: I was finishing up for the day when I look over to Hailey stood up beside her desk holding her head she was...blank looking I just watched her and then she went into the locker room I sat at my desk putting the paperwork I did finish into a file, I then stood up and went to the locker room to ask Hailey if she was okay and she wasn't there I was so confused. I put my jacket on and walked out to my truck and I drove home, I got into my house and I sat on the couch with a beer a bit worried about Hailey and thought about calling her but it wasn't my business after all we're just partners...

We're just partners.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt