MybabyboyJoonie Q&A

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I promised Y'all, my lovely Joonchilds, a Q&A- so here it is!

If you could meet any K-Pop idol and tell them anything, who would it be, from what group/solo, what would you tell them and WHY?

1. Who?
I would meet Namjoon from BTS.

2. What would I say?
I would thank him for writing the songs, keeping the boys together, everything that he does for BTS and ARMY.

3. Why would I say that?
Because when I found BTS, I was struggling with depression and anxiety. I was also suicidal (seriously, I wont go into detail here for y'all safety). Once I found BTS, I had a family in ARMY (not to mention I view the boys as my family) that was 99.99% welcoming and safe, and loving, and I've never ever regretted it.

How did you get into the world of wattpad?

Honestly, I was trying to find more angsty BTS fics, and yeah.... I used Wattpad without a account for about a year and a half, before making this account and meeting y'all (LOVE YOU~!)

Do you have any non- human crushes?

I have a platonic crush on all the BT21 member (and BTS, platonic because I'm crushing on another asian cutie who isn't on here).

And what languages do you speak/want to speak?

I speak English as my main language. But I know some French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Japanese, (a very tiny bit of Latin), and Korean (but I want to get better at all of those languages).

How's my day?

Sooo..... My day now is basic, compared to my normal, non-pandemic day. I wake up like 6:30, bathe (at least twice a week, don't judge me), wash fruits/dish duty, then school work, and logging on Wattpad, then lunch, and more school and Wattpad! Then I get ready for bed and work on my fanfictions (I have more then you think), then go to bed. Boring, I know.

What makes you happy?

I'm happy hanging out with y'all, watching BTS, and other groups, my baby brother, my sisters, and my babies on here (SugarMeow1993, taehyungs_dumblings, joonthedestructor, I'm looking at you *heart emojis*), sweets, food, and cuddles, I'm a soft child >_<

A/N: Thanks Y'all for waiting so long for me to do this Q/A. If you want me to do another, post you questions here, and tag them with this #Q/A2 . THANK YOU~! I LOVE YOU~! >_<

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