Vanilla cake with Apple cinnamon topping

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First off, I present you with our Soobinnie's beautiful, cute confused face!

Secondly, I'm dedicating this to my children taehyungs_dumblings, joonthedestructor, SugarMeow1993, pluvioss, pinkyblueybabydino, babyarmybutahardstan, nattitasha, tae_purplemoon, and sad_baby_boy, and my Moms on wattpad, Kairi9899 & Utauharu, and my Sisters (Unnie Kim_Xiaolin , -ambxr-, and Poohjiminie.

Thirdly, my mom is forcing me to cook, and from that came this recipe. If you guys make this, comment how it came out and if you like it, please. *note* I made this as a vegan recipe, but it can be made as a dairy cake).

Vanilla cake with Apple Cinnamon topping

Vanilla cake

1 cup butter

1 cup sugar

2 Teaspoons vanilla (add more if you want)

6 eggs (or 1 cup+2 teaspoons water & ¼+2 tablespoons flaxseed)

2&½ cups of flour

5 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 cup milk

Cream butter and sugar together, then add eggs and vanilla. Add the flour, baking powder and baking soda and mix. Add milk and set aside.

Apple filling:

1 diced apple (small pieces) apple (or two if you want more apple, just remember to double the apple recipe)

½+¼ cinnamon

½ water or apple juice

½ cup sugar (add more if using waterarrow_up

to thicken use 5 teaspoons cornstarch and ⅛ cup water (you might need a little more).

Cut apple(s) up (you can remove the skin if you want), and put them in a saucepan with water, cinnamon, and sugar and bring to a boil. Add the cornstarch and water mixture and stir. Spray your pan and spread the apple cinnamon filling in the bottom of the pan and pour batter on top. Place in the oven on 350 and bake until skewer or fork comes out clean. Let the cake cool and then dust powdered sugar on top (or wait until just before you'll serve the cake to dust the sugar on top).

 Let the cake cool and then dust powdered sugar on top (or wait until just before you'll serve the cake to dust the sugar on top)

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This is the finished product, as seen in my fridge after a night in the fridge, and a few hours before being devoured. My dad liked this (which is weird bc he hates any changes made to most food we cook in my family), and my 2 year old brother also liked this (and probably would have stolen my share if I didn't show interest in it. Anyway, enjoy, stay safe, be careful, and pls pray that I don't have the virus.

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