Teaser 1 (SopeMin World) *200 follower apreciation*

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A/N: I'm dedicating this to my babies, taehyungs_dumblings, joonthedestructor, SugarMeow1993

A/N: This the first chapter of a fic that is in working. The Korean city (Gyeonggi-do) is a real city. This fic is probably going to have some warnings (there is a slight reference to rape, but nothing else for now) in future chapters. Enjoy! Let me know what you think about this fic.

Meet Jimin, a 2&½ year old toddler bursting with love and kindness.... And mischief. Case in point, The Infamous Fireplace Incident involving his Yoongi Appa's brown Greyhound patterned tie. Other than the occasional misdeed, Jimin is a angel. Which it why Yoongi had left Jimin with a card and told him to buy himself whatever he would like from the cafe's menu while his Appa is in the bathroom.

"Yunbin samcheon! I missed you!" "Hello, Mister Jiminie. I missed you too, Mon ange! What do you want to order?" "Can Jiminie have two hot chocolates and one slice of Berry roulade and a slice of white chocolate cake?" Yunbin raised a eyebrow at Little Jimin's order, puzzling over how Jimin could eat so much as he placed everything into their places and handed the tray to the little boy. Once he paid and thanked Yunbin, he waddled carefully over to a table that was empty save the lone man who has been been there almost as long as Jimin.

His dark brown hair framed his face gently, hiding the trail of tears from unsympathetic, prying eyes. A bright red bag hung from his shoulder, a stark contrast to the somewhat bleak aura his black jeans and dark blue grey sweater presented. Jimin slid into a chair, carefully arranging the food and drinks before tapping the man's shoulder. The man jolted up, eyes wide in fear, before noticing the cake and drink he knew he hadn't bought.

"Samcheon, those are for you. Don't be sad! You have to pwomise Jiminie not to cry." Jimin explains, pouting in confusion when the stranger only cries more. Jimin slides off his chair and runs back to his table where he had left his stuffie. After whispering to his Chimmy stuffie (in his patented secret language explaining their mission) he pulled the stranger's hands apart and wrapped them around the toy. Jimin resumed his snacking, oblivious to the gob smacked stares from his Appa and the stranger (Jimin is smart, and sneaky and refers to the stranger as Umma in his mind).

"Jimi-" "Appa! Come here! You need to help me make this samcheon happy and stop crying." "I do? Whatever Jiminie, I'll help you make Mr...." " Hoseok, Jung Hoseok. Thank you." "Min Yoongi. You should be proud of yourself. Jimin doesn't share that plushie with just anyone." "Nice to meet you, Min Jimin, Min Yoongi - ssi." "Yoongi hyung. I'm taking a guess. You live here?" "Uhh, I just got here from Gyeonggi-do. I still need to find job. And a actual house."

"Mhmm, Seokjin hyung is looking for someone to replace his leading mod-" "You're going to ask The Kim Seokjin to hire me as his leading model?! I can't model, hyung, much less for the most famous and most successful fashion company in the world! I'm not even beautiful, or anything! I'm only good for the type of business you do in shady hotels and bars!"

Hoseok squeaked as Jimin's tiny fingers pinched at his perpetually sensitive bum. "Jimin, tell Hoseok sorry for pinching him." "Appa, I was defending him! You said I should defend people who are littler than me, and people who are being hurt!" "I know, Chim Chim. But Hoseokkie isn't littler than you. And you still need to say sorry." "I'm sorry, Hoseokkie Samcheon."

"Omg- I mean, it's fine! It's fine!"
"Here, this is Seokjin hyung's business card. And his husband, Taehyung's card as well, in case you can't reach Seokjin hyung. Promise you'll at least try, Hoseok." "Ok, Yoongi hyung. I'll try. Thank you, both, very much. Bye!"

Hoseok waved, throwing his trash out and walking away. Yoongi watches him leave, a small twinge in his chest. He doesn't remember that Hoseok had taken Jimin's Chimmy with him until he flops onto his bed. "Interesting,' he thinks.

"Jimin doesn't just let anyone have that plushie, or take it home with them." Rolling over, he pushes the though to back of his mind, and falls into a deep sleep filled with images of his friends, son, and Hoseok.

❥ JOONCHILDS PARTY BOOK.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin