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"So, you are saying you wanna come over to my house and explore?"


"And what makes you believe my mother will let that happen?"

"Aww c'mon talk it out with her you pussy!"

"Talk it out?? All she's gonna do is scream at me! How do you expect me to 'Talk it out'??!!"

"Like mother like son"

"Say what!!"

#Quick story narration#

So Hi there! I am Robin Amberstone. And I am 17. I live with my mother who is the professor of this college that happens to have a very large campus in the literal heart of the city. And we live In it. So, as you can already understand, I am a lucky guy. Who else thinks I'm lucky? Basically all of my friends and also Nika (The girl I am talking to). It's a nickname no worries. So, this girl... shes in LOVE with horror films. She screams at every jumpscares, starts beathing heavily at every suspenseful event and off course she hates spiders. But when there is any new horror film release, there is Nika in the front seat strapped in and ready to be terrified.

So, this one day, this trainwreck of a girl asks me to record my campus and send it to her. It was spring break anyways, so I thought why not? Oww I wish I hadn't.

Long story short, now she wants to explore the campus I live in. But my Asian mother had different ideas. Bringing a girl ALONE to my house was something that I could NOT ask or even think about.

#Quick Story Narration Ends#

"I can't okay? Thats too much to handle for her. Last time I called out some of my anchoring friends infront of her, she almost had a heart attack and a seizure."

"C'mon man you're 17 for goodness sake."

"And SHE is my mom."

"You're not gonna budge are you?"

I just stared at her with half open eyes.

"Alright fine, I'll see what I can do."

"Wait. What are you gonna-"

#Time skip... 4 days later#

My mother bode the visitors in with a huge smile on her face. The visitors being a well dressed middle aged woman and the girl this story is about... Nika.

"Robin! Greet our guests."

I say hello and mom starts talking about how they had met. Basically, my mother got to know this woman (who apparently was Nika's mother) at a seminar some time ago and they became friends of sorts. She suddenly decided to come for a visit because A CERTAIN SOMEONE found out both of them (Me and Nika's mothers) were the students of the same college... The same college my mother is working in currently.

Genius I thought... and kinda scary.

My mother and the lady was having a really heated conversation about whose book on "Early Children Behaviour" was better. (The conversation had been started by Nika by the way.)

While they were having the heated conversation , I looked Nika straight in the eyes and whispered,

"Just because you are here doesn't mean you can go out and explo-"

#2 hours later#

"I can't believe MY mother asked me to go explore."

Nika wasn't listening to me. Her eyes were sparkling as she looked around. Can't blame her though. This city is basically a playground with cement instead of sand, pillars instead of trees and carbon instead of air. But this place is like a flower in the middle of the road that, surprisingly, no one has stepped on yet.

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