Chapter Ten: Bandit's Story♡

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Kristin smiled at them both "So Gerard, I know this might sound weird but can you tell the story of Bandit's birth?" She asked. Gerard thought for a moment "Uhm sure" he looked at Bandit "Why don't you go play and me or Uncle Mikey will be up in a few minutes". Bandit nodded "Okay daddy" she took her toys and went upstairs. Gerard smiled "well it was 4:30 in the morning and Linds woke me up saying that her water broke..."

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It was 4:30 in the morning on May 27th when Lindsey woke up to use the bathroom. She woke up and looked at Gerard who was sleeping by her stomach. He did that ever since he found out Lindsey was pregnant. She played with his hair a little and carefully got out of bed. She walked to the bathroom. While she was using the toilet she felt something happen. She quickly checked and got up. She went back to their bedroom. She walked over to Gerard and gently shook him "Gerard wake up, my water broke". Gerard immediately woke up "Alright, is the bag ready?". Lindsey nodded "Gee it's starting to hurt a little". Gerard kissed Lindsey's stomach and got up. He ran to their closet and quickly grabbed the bag. Lindsey was holding her stomach, gently bitting her lip. Gerard held her hand and led her to the stairs. He carefully helped her walk down the steps and to the car. Lindsey squeezed Gerard's hand "Gee it really hurts". Gerard kissed her head "I know baby. Squeeze my hand as hard as you want" he took his phone out while starting the car. He called his parents, Mikey  and Mikey's wife at the time, Alicia. He told them to come to the hospital. Once Gerard arrived at the hospital, he was greeted by his dad who had a wheelchair ready for Lindsey. Gerard got out of the car "Thanks dad" he opened Lindsey's car door and helped her into the wheelchair. "We already got a private room for you guys" Donald, Gerard's dad, said. Gerard smiled softly "Thanks" he wheeled Lindsey into the hospital and into the hospital room. The doctors hooked Lindsey up to machines and gave her medicine. Mikey, Alicia, Donna, and Donald came into the room after a few minutes. Mikey walked over to Lindsey and carefully held her hand "How are you?" He kissed her head. Lindsey smiled a little "I guess I'm okay. They said it might be a while before the baby's born". Mikey nodded softly "Do you guys need anything?". Lindsey looked over at Gerard "I think he needs coffee". Mikey nodded softly "Dad and Gee can go get coffee". Gerard nodded gently and kissed Lindsey's cheek "Love you" he kissed her stomach "love you". Lindsey smiled softly "We love you too" she kissed Gerard's cheek. Gerard smiled and walked out the door with his dad. Donna and Alicia walked over to Lindsey. Donna pushed Lindsey's hair out of her face "You look beautiful even if you don't feel like it". Lindsey smiled "Thanks Donna..Gee was freaking out a lot". Donna chuckled softly "Oh dear God, Mikey was too. Y'know, Donald was the same way when Gee and Mikes were born". "I bet. I'm kinda scared. Is that normal?". Donna nodded "it's okay to be nervous and scared" she kissed Lindsey's forehead. Lindsey smiled. After a few minutes, Donald and Gerard came back. Gerard went over to Lindsey and kissed her cheek. Lindsey smiled and suddenly felt a contraction "G-gee contraction.." she held his hand. Gerard kissed her head "Breath babe" he kissed her head again. Lindsey squeezed his hand, screwing her eyes shut. After the contraction was over, she opened her eyes again. Gerard kissed her head "I love you Linds". "I love you too Gee..". After a few hours at 10 a.m., it was time for Lindsey to give birth. She was wheeled to the delivery room. Gerard and everyone else were excited. Gerard held Lindsey's hand, while his other hand held her leg. "Alright, Mrs. Way, you're going to have to start pushing, okay?". Lindsey nodded and started to push. She held squeezed Gerard's hand very hard, screaming a little. Gerard's hand was hurting, but he didn't care. He watched to see if he saw a head and he did. Lindsey collapsed against the bed. "C'mon Linds. Just one more big push. You can do it". Lindsey shook her head "I can't Gee..I'm scared". Gerard kissed her hand "Yes you can". Lindsey nodded and started to push again. The doctor helped a little and gently pulled the baby girl out, who immediately started to cry. Lindsey collapsed against the bed again, panting. The doctor handed Lindsey the baby girl. Lindsey smiled, holding the baby close. She gently cried. The baby stopped crying and held onto Lindsey. Gerard cut the umbilical cord and smiled at Lindsey. He was so proud of her. He kissed her head, a few tears of joy rolled down his cheeks "I love you so much". Lindsey smiled, looking at the baby. She kissed her head. The nurses quickly cleaned up the baby and swaddled her. A nurse handed her back to Lindsey. Lindsey held her baby girl close "I love you" she kissed her head. Gerard smiled and kissed the baby's head "I love you" he got on the bed with Lindsey, wrapping his arm around her. He kissed Lindsey "I love you". Lindsey kissed back "I love you too" she leaned into him "She's so beautiful Gee". Gerard nodded and smiled "Very beautiful" he kissed his daughter's head. Lindsey smiled "Wanna hold her?" She kissed his cheek. Gerard smiled and nodded softly. He unwrapped his arm from Lindsey. Lindsey carefully handed the baby to Gerard. Gerard carefully held his daughter close. He gently kissed her nose "I love you" he smiled. The baby move a little, opening her eyes a little. Gerard smiled "Look Linds, she's opening her eyes". Lindsey smiled, watching "She probably wants to see her handsome daddy" she kissed his cheek. Gerard smiled "Hi baby girl". The baby looked at Gerard and Lindsey. Gerard and Lindsey smiled. "Welcome to the world, baby girl" Lindsey kissed her head. The baby smiled. Gerard smiled "aww". Donald poked his head in "May we come in?" He asked softly. Gerard looked at him and nodded. He smiled. Donald, Donna, Mikey, and Alicia walked over to the bed. Gerard carefully handed the baby over to Lindsey. Lindsey smiled. Mikey smiled "May I hold her?". Lindsey nodded softly, carefully handing the baby over to Mikey. Mikey kissed the baby's head "She's so beautiful". The baby looked at Mikey. Mikey smiled "I love you" he kissed her head. Mikey held his niece for a while "Does she have a name?". Gerard and Lindsey shook their heads. Lindsey thought of a name "How about Bandit? Bandit Lee Way". Gerard smiled "I love it. Bandit Lee Way".  Mikey smiled "aww that's cute. I love it". He handed Bandit back to Lindsey. Lindsey held Bandit close, kissing her head. Gerard smiled, kissing Lindsey's head "I can't believe we brought such a beautiful girl into this world". Lindsey smiled "I can't believe it either". Gerard kissed Bandit's head "Our little angel". Lindsey smiled, kissing Bandit's head. Gerard smiled "My girls"...

The End

"And that's Bandit's story" Gerard smiled. "That was so cute" Kristin smiled. Gerard smiled "It was so amazing seeing Bandit being born. I was so so proud of Linds". Kristin smiled "You're so lucky to have Gerard, Lindsey". Lindsey smiled and nodded "I agree. He's literally my best friend".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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