Chapter 15: Free

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Bam! Last official chapter! If you haven't already, go check out my other stories. There is an epilogue to this being posted today as well. Thanks for sticking with me through this crazy book and I hope you liked it! 

Specific Location Unknown
The Computer
2:30 AM
September 25th

Ben's POV: 
We had done it. They were all dead, and we could go home. Erica was on the phone with Catherine and they were trying to get us out.

"Mom, have them try to get us out now."

"Okay dear." She said. "Erica said try now."

"You got it." The scientists said.

"Is it working?" I asked hopefully.

"Oh my gosh! It is! You two should be back in the real world in 5 minutes tops.


We woke up a little later and looked around. Unfortunately, my leg broke in real life too. It healed most of the way just like in the simulation, but it was still sprained at my ankle.

"That... shouldn't have happened." He said as he looked at my ankle. "Clearly we have some kinks to work out."

"Wow. You should give up science and become a detective." Erica said sarcastically.

"A real Sherlock you are." I added.

"Now children," Catherine started.

"Really mother? We're not children. And we got trapped in a computer for 2 days! Of course we're annoyed."

"Mrs. H, she does have a point. We almost got deleted from existence. Like we had 5 days, and lost 2, and got stuck for 1. If we'd been there later today we both would have died. And the program ended up hurting my leg in real life too."

"I know it wasn't ideal, but it's a very cool idea and they're working on it. Now, you two go have some fun. But, please, no grandchildren yet."

Both our faces turned bright red and my jaw even dropped.


"I was kidding." She said with a smile. "But seriously though-" She stopped when Erica glared at her. "Don't glare at me. As much as I can't wait to have grandchildren, it is far too soon right now." 

Erica rolled her eyes, grabbed my hand, and we walked out. I followed like a puppy and made no noise. We walked and realized Catherine drove us there. Erica decided we would just walk back to the Academy. Once we were a ways away from the building we both burst into laughter.

"Your mom is so nice, but she scares me sometimes."

"Yeah she can be a bit much. Where do you wanna go?"

"I don't care as long as I'm with you."

"You are such a dork."

"But, as I said previously, I'm your dork."

We laughed and went back to tell our friends about our crazy adventure.

Thank god Erica was my partner and there with me because there was no way I could have done it alone. I hated taking their lives, but I needed to save Erica. I could never live with myself if something happened to her and she knows it. I love her with all my heart. Always have, always will.

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