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I have so much crap going on in my life. Yes, a thirteen year old girl that was named after a rainbow has a ton of embarrassing moments going on in her life. Let me not even get started with it, the fact that my name is Rainbow says it all. Apparently when I was born a rainbow sprouted in the sky showing all of its beautiful seven colors. I am grateful for the rainbow but let's be honest here, who would want to be named after one! Though the first seven years of my life I bragged about my name but I was a kid who loved rainbows and unicorns. Now life is completely different, having a name like that does not help you at all when you're in middle school. I have survived the first two years of middle school but what makes you think I'm going to survive the eighth grade. Life is not the best when it comes to being me.

I have no story behind my life other than the fact them I'm an only child and my parents raced me to be a confident, smart beautiful girl. At least that's what they say, I am probably the polar opposite of a confident smart beautiful girl but I'm not the type to drag myself down for no reason. The fact that I embarrassed my self-way too many times in this past week does not affect me... okay maybe it does, just a bit.

The most embarrassing moment so far was yesterday when I tried to show off my swimming skills by auditioning for the school's swimming team but the only thing I showed off was my body slipping into the swimming pool and nearly drowning my ass off. Some kid decided to leave a banana peel right in front of the big, blue creepy pool and me being the idiot I am slipped on it. What a great way to kick in the school year. Well that's not even the start of it. My crush, the one and only Davon Parks, came up with the stupidest thought a human could ever process. He decided to talk to me, me? Yes me. A blued eyed Blondie decided to talk to me, a girl who spends her entire life locked up in her bedroom eating dominos and watching three seasons in a row of adventure time. I stared at him for like two seconds before turning around fleeing. Next thing you know my face is slammed against a locker door and I'm rushed to a hospital. Yep, you guessed it. Broken nose.

Now I have to walk around with a white stripe placed horizontally against my nose.

Lord, I need help...

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