Chapter 3

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I sashayed down the campus, looking for my boyfriend Phillip. I saw my best friend Jasmine, and walked up to her. I needed to complain about the two losers I had gotten as my roommates.

"Jas!" I exclaimed, poking her shoulder.

"Aurora darling!" She gushed, grabbing my arm.

"Ugh, my life is practically over. My two roommates are possibly the biggest losers in this school!" I groaned. She shot me a sympathetic glance.

"Aw, I'm sorry." she sighed, "My roommates are a pretty girl named Elsa and another named Wendy. Wendy is a freak who has the biggest crush on Peter Pan. I can't stand him! And Elsa is super pretty though. You should come meet her."

"I'd love to meet her, but I'm looking for Phillip. He's not answering his phone." I snarled. I was his girlfriend, for crying out loud! Shouldn't he show the tiniest nugget of respect?!

"His roommate is over there," Jasmine pointed at a ginger haired guy. He was kinda cute, but I was taken. "His name is Hans. Ask him if he's seen Phillip. I'm off to see Elsa, we made plans for frozen yogurt." she concluded, and pranced off.

On one hand, I was pissed that Jasmine thought that she could make plans with people I didn't know. Especially without my permission! Ugh what nerve!

On the other hand, me and Jas would be even more popular as a trio. So I decided to let things go. This time.

I walked over to the boy Jas had pointed out. Hans. I tapped him on the shoulder. His eyes bulged when he saw me. Yeah, I had that effect on guys. I smirked.

"You're roommates with Phillip?" I asked, my smirk growing wider as he tried to collect himself.

"Yeah, sure. But why waste time with that loser when I'm around?" He grinned slyly.

"He's my boyfriend, and I want to know if you know where he is." I snapped. I didn't like how overconfident he was becoming.

"Maybe he's cheating on you. But I'm here if you need support." He smirked. I frowned at him. I was starting to dislike pretty boy over here.

"Listen freak. Either you tell me where Phillip is or I'll make sure you're at the bottom of the social pyramid!" I threatened. He grinned even more.

"You might be petit and hot, but you've got a big mouth. What's your name hot stuff?"

I screamed in frustration and stalked off. I heard Hans chuckling behind me.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. That stupid Hans. Without bothering to say anything, I slapped him across the face.

It wasn't Hans.

Phillip now had a red hand print on his face. Oh crap.

"Phillip! I thought you were that pig Hans!" I exclaimed, trying to rub the handprint away.

"Nope, just me." He groaned. Ugh. I'm the worst girlfriend ever. No wait. He was, for ignoring me all day!

"Where have you been?" I demanded, giving up on trying to help him.

"I was with Al. You know Aladdin? Jasmine's boyfriend?"

"That's a pathetic excuse. We'll talk later." I snapped. I stormed back to my (thankfully!) empty dorm. I flung myself on the bed.

This was suppose to be a perfect year! Clearly it wasn't going to be one.

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