Chapter 25

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Merida walked back to us. "Well, should we go ter Sugar Rush? If we sneak towards the back of the school we can probably get away with it."

I nodded, and so did Elsa, Gogo and Esmerelda. Esmerelda and I were pretty close. She was my best friend. I also loved Gogo, she was my other best friend. In shorter terms, everyone in this group were best friends. I was glad we had met Elsa. At first, I had my doubts about her. She was always a grade A student, and on the honour roll. I never expected her to be a total rebel!

We started to walk to the back of the school, together. Ms. Cruella gave us a suspicious look, and I hurried to pretend to take off some of the toilet paper. I motioned for my friends to do the same. Ms. Cruella walked away, and we all breathed a sigh of relief.

Just then, a group of students loomed in front of us. All I could tell was that they weren't from the Disney Academy.

Dreamwork students.

The group of students consisted of a semi-cute guy with brown hair, a girl with white shoulder length hair, a guy with white hair (why did so many people have white hair?), and a girl with a black pixie cut. The white haired boy smirked and stepped in front of us.

"Going somewhere? I believe you girls have to be doing something. Like, oh I don't know, cleaning up the mess your school caused?" He grinned slyly. The girl with the white hair punched his shoulder.

"Knock it off Jack." She told him.

"Like I'm going to listen to you Susan." He shot back at her. I could tell they weren't really fighting, it was just playful banter. "These girls are trying to sneak away, isn't that obvious?"

"Don't talk about us like we're not standing right in front of you." Esmerelda snapped.

The boy with brown hair gave us an apologetic glance. "Sorry about Jack," he said, shoving the boy with white hair. I guessed the boy with white hair was Jack. "He has mental issues."

I smirked. "Clearly."

"Don't talk about me like I'm not standing in front of you!" Jack said, mocking Esmerelda. Merida turned to me.

"Promise not to hold me back when I punch him?" Merida asked seriously. I could tell Jack was starting to get on her nerves. On all of our nerves.

"Promise." I laughed. Jack pretended to shiver in fear.

"Ooh! I'm terrified redhead." He grinned at her challengingly. The girl with the brown pixie cut gave Jack a warning glance.

"Don't start a fight Jack!" She said. "They're not provoking you at all."

"They vandalized our school Roxy!" He said back to her.

"That pretty below you Jack to punch a girl." The boy with brown hair said.

"Hiccup you idiot. I'm not going to punch her." Jack rolled his eyes.

"It's not below me to punch a foul git like ye." Merida said, and punched Jack in the stomach. Jacks friends quickly pulled him back, while we laughed and applauded Merida.

"I said I won't punch a girl," Jack grinned slyly, " but I never said what I wouldn't do." He then suddenly had a snowball in his hand. How did he do that? Before I had time to fully think about how he did that, he threw it at Meridas face.

"Jack!" The girl with short hair reprimanded him. "What did you do that for?"

"She started it." He shrugged. She rolled her eyes.

Disney Academy *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now