Chapter 20

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Ever since the homecoming dance, Jasmine and I had become closer as friends. She and Aurora got into a fight, of what though I didn't know. It was Tuesday night, and we sat in our dorm doing our nails. I had been painting mine a bright blue, while Jasmine was giving herself a manicure.

All was quiet. The radio hummed in the background. Our other roommate, Wendy, was nowhere to be found. She was always hanging out with her friend Tinkerbell.

"Can you pass me the nail polish remover?" Jasmine asked. I handed it to her silently.

After about ten minutes, Jasmines phone rang. She carefully picked it up, avoiding smudging her wet nails. "Hello?" She answered. I continued to apply nail polish on my thumb. "Al!" She squealed.

I had only met her boyfriend Aladdin once, at the dance. He had been polite though. I could tell they were very much infatuated with each other.

"Um actually I'm hanging with Elsa." She sounded apologetic. I had guessed he had asked her out. I shook my head at her, and mouthed "I'm fine."

Jasmine frowned at me. I made a little shooing gesture with my hands, indicating that she should go out. She nodded reluctantly. "Um Al? Change of plans. I'll meet you at Pizza Planet in ten minutes." And she hung up. Jasmine beamed at me. I laughed lightly.

"Thanks for that." She grinned. I shot her a curious glance.

"For what?" I pondered.

"Letting me go out. With Aurora, well, it was always girlfriends before boyfriends." She shrugged. I laughed again.

"I don't own you." I teased her. "Now go french kiss over the french fries!"

Jasmine stuck her tongue out at me. "We're going out for pizza Else." She had been using that nickname for me, despite my name already being short enough.

She waved at me, grabbed her purse, and left. I sighed, and leaned back in bed. I screwed the cap back onto the nail polish. My hands automatically reached for my phone. I sent a quick text to Anna to see if she wanted to hang out.

Anna responded back immediately.

Hanging out with Honey. Maybe later. ~Anna

I sighed. I didn't know who Honey was, but I was glad Anna had friends.

It was 8pm. I had finished all my homework, so I had nothing to do. I briefly considered calling Rapunzel, but I remembered she was probably out with Flynn.

I got up and left our dorm. I wandered around campus. Students were scattered around campus, some in large groups and some in small.

Since it was late at night, the chatting had died down. I saw a small group of students, all dressed in black. My mind automatically pegged them as trouble makers. They all wore identical smirks on their faces.

The group consisted of a short lanky girl with a black pixie cut, Anna's friend Merida, Megara, and a girl with black curly hair and a gypsy skirt. For some reason, they interested me.

Even though I should've been going back to my dorm since it was getting late, I edged closer. Merida grinned at me, and waved me over. I hurried to stand with her.

She turned to the rest of her friends. "Listen ye gits. This is Elsa." She introduced me cheekily. The girl with black curly smiled charmingly at me.

"Hi, I'm Esmeralda." She grinned. I grinned back. The girl with the pixie cut rolled her eyes, as she chomped on a piece of gum.

"Merida, we don't have time for fun and games. I want to leave now." She snapped. Merida frowned.

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