The party

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You walk into the crowded party. Your friend had begged you to go with her, you don't like parties but your friend wouldn't stop begging you.
You look around the room searching for your friend, but you don't see her anywhere. You decide to send her a text message, you do not want to be there by yourself. You take a seat towards the back of the room and wait for her to respond.

Minutes later you get a text saying that she got sick and won't be coming to the party but that you should stay and try and meet new people.
​"Fuck that I'm going home," You mutter to yourself.
You're annoyed with the fact that she convinced you to go even though she can't make it.
You grab your bag and push your way through the crowd of people.
A guy grabs your arm and pulls you to him.
​"Hey baby. Lets dance," He chuckles.
You try to push him off of you but he holds you tighter to him and leads you through the crowd.
​"Let go of me!" You yell at him.
​"Aww baby what's wrong. Where having fun," He chuckles.
He slams you against the wall and lifts your skirt up, bunching it at your waist. You panic and try to put your skirt down. You shove him hard and he falls into another girl who yells at him and hits him with her purse. You take that as your chance to get away from him, you smooth down your skirt and try to get as far away from him as possible. You run through the crowd, bumping into many people who curse at you.
Suddenly a guy runs into you and spills his red wine all over your shirt.
​"What the hell girl. You wasted my drink!" he shouts at you.
​"Are you fucking kidding me. You just ruined my shirt you ass hole," You growl.
​"Well maybe if you watched where you're-," He starts but you cut him off.
​"No. You ran into me you clumsy piece of shit. I should make you pay for this shirt," You yell.
​"Whatever," He grumbles.
You push him out of your way and walk out of the party.
You walked to the party, so you sigh and walk the long way back to your apartment.
Of course, the party was in a sketchy neighborhood. You clutch your purse to your chest and try to hide the stain.
​"Hey baby how you doing," A man slurs.
He walks closer to you and you quickly cross the street to get away from him.
​"Great just what I need, some street thug chasing me," you mumble to yourself.
You take a wrong turn and realize you have no clue where you are.

The sky is pitch black; the only light is from a couple street lights that line the side walk. You stop and look around. There's a bus stop, and a park.
You decide to walk into the park to find somewhere to sit down so that you can look up directions.
In the center of the park is a small bench, you sit down and grab out your phone.
You feel something brush past you and you freeze. You look around but no one is there. You shrug and continue looking up directions to your house.
You realize your only ten minutes from your apartment so you stand up and walk in the direction the GPS tells you.
As you walk out of the park you hear a voice whisper something to you.
​"Don't leave," The voice whispers.
You look around the park again but there is no one there. You shudder and try to convince yourself that you're just delusional.
​"Ghosts aren't real (Y/N)," You chuckle.
You quickly walk out of the park and down the road. This area is unfamiliar to you and it makes you uncomfortable. You walk as quick as you can in your heels.
Your feet are screaming for you to stop walking but you try to ignore them. You hear something in a near by bush and you squeal. You look over and when you don't see anything you hope that it was just a squirrel.
You turn around a corner and that's when you see your apartment building.
​"Thank fuck," You sigh in relief.
You hear footsteps behind you, and you turn around.
​"Show yourself!" You yell into the night.
You feel something at your feet and you jump. You look down and see a little grey cat. You chuckle and pick it up.
​"Hi little buddy. Are you the one that was making all that noise?" You giggle.
The cat lets out a meow and licks it's paws.
You look for a collar or some for of registration but when you don't find anything you sigh and look into the eyes of the cat.
​"Are you a stray? Do you want to come home with me?" You ask.
The cat brushes up against you and you decide to take it home, you figure it will be nice having an animal in your home.
You walk up the steps to your apartment and unlock the door.
You carry the cat to your kitchen where you give it a bowl of water. You walk into your room and start the shower.
You look at your reflection in the mirror. Your hair is tangled and your makeup is running, your skirt is crinkled and your shirt is stained bright red in the middle. You grab the shirt and sigh.
​"Damnit that was a nice shirt, this stain will never wash out," You grumble.
​"I'll buy you a new one," A voice says.
You spine around in horror, who could be in your apartment with you. You walk out of your bathroom slowly and look around your bedroom. You don't see anyone but your still paranoid. You walk around your whole apartment; you open drawers and cabinets. You open every closet in your apartment and search every room. When you don't find anything or anyone you head back into your bathroom to take that much need shower.

You wipe your makeup off and then remove your clothes. As you take you skirt off you feel like some one is watching you. You turn around.
​"Who's there," You whimper.
When no one responds you shake your head.
​"(Y/N) you must be going crazy," You mutter to yourself.
You finish taking off your clothes and you get under the hot running water. You brush out your hair and wash your body that is now sticky from sweat.

Once you finish your shower you put on some pajamas and hop into bed.
You shut off the lights and pull the covers up to your chin.
You quickly fall asleep because you are so exhausted.

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