The tall man in black

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You grab your black purse off the counter and open the door to your apartment.
You look back at Ricky as you walk out.
He waves at you and you smile before shutting the door and locking it.

You call a cab and wait outside for it to come pick you up.
The club is most busy at night so that's when you decide to go. You look at your phone, 10:00 p.m.
You get into the back seat of the cab and give the driver directions.

"So you're heading to a club?" The man asks as he looks you up and down.
You stop the groan that tries to come out of your mouth, you always hated when people would judge you for going to this club. Of course you understood that they where just concerned, considering the club was a goth and BDSM club which can be dangerous.

"Yeah. I have to go meet an old friend," you shrug, you still have no clue if you will actually see this guy.
"Oh I see. Please be careful ma'am, I hear people are very hostile at this club," the driver reply's as he looks at you from the rear view mirror.
"I'll be okay sir. I know the owner," You smile.

That's another thing you are worried about, you haven't been to this club in forever. You're not so sure you want to see any of the people from there again. You're not worried about them being rude to you, you're just not prepared to explain why you stopped coming to the club.

The cab driver pulls over at the side of the club and puts the gears into park. You look outside and see it's buzzing with people.
"Here is my work number ma'am. Call me if you need a quick get away," He says in a concerned tone.
You thank him and take his card and slip it into your purse.

You sigh as you get out of the car. You spot someone that you remember.
You walk up to the man who is checking everyone into the club.

"Hello (Y/N). Long time no see," the man says with a smirk.
"Hi Ryan," you smile.

Ryan gives you a quick hug and lets you into the club.
Ryan was always like an older brother to you.

You look around the club searching for the man that Ricky described. You highly doubt you will see this man, but at the same time you hope you do. You need some answers.

You take a seat at the bar and order a drink. It's been a while since you've drunken any alcohol so you get something that's not too strong.
As your taking a sip of your drink, a pair of strong arms wraps around your waist.
You gasp and look down at the hands. The mans hands are tattooed and have the words "lost" "boys" tattooed on them. You smile, you know these hands all too well.
"Chris!" You squeal.
Chris lets go off you and spins your seat around so you face him.
You smile at him and he leans down to give you a hug.

"Hey (Y/N). I knew I recognized those legs," Chris says as he put one of his hands on your thigh.
You smirk at him.
"What brings you back here? I haven't seen you in like two years," Chris smiles as he motions to the building.

"I'm looking for someone," you smile.
"Oh I see," Chris wiggles his eyebrows at you.
"Maybe I can help," he tells you.

You smile and nod.
"Okay so I have this friend, he's lost his memory. He says the only thing he remembers is this very tall dude, with tattoos, black hair, drawn on eyebrows, lip piercings, and he wears makeup apparently," you explain.

Chris chuckles.
"Who's the guy, who lost his memory?" Chris asks.
"He's name is Ricky. He says that the man I just described hit him on the head with a shovel," you tell him.

Chris tenses up at the mention of Ricky's name. You look at him curiously.

"Well I think the man Ricky is referring to is me," Chris says.
I gasp and look at him. I exam his body, it matches the description perfectly.

"Chris, you hit him on the head with a shovel?" You ask.
"Yes," Chris sighs, "I thought he was dead though."
"What the fuck! Why would you do that?" you ask.
"Okay. Let me explain. Ricky and my ex girlfriend had sex. Ricky was jealous of our relationship so he slept with her on purpose. This was about two years ago. You do remember what a bad temper I had," Chris explain.
You nod.

"Okay I'm not going to ask anymore questions about what you did to him. What I want to know is, why don't I remember him?" You ask.
"Really, you don't remember him? You guys where practically in love. When I hurt him you didn't come back to the club so I never got to explain to you," Chris tells you.

You shake your head, this doesn't make any since. How could you just forget him.

"Chris I think there's something else going on here," you say.
Chris raises an eyebrow at you.

"Ricky's skin is ice cold. It's so cold it burns, it's not even human. He thought he was a ghost but I can touch him so I know he's not. Me and him have this connection but neither of us remember each other," you explain.

Chris sighs.

"I think I might know what's going on," Chris tells you.
You raise an eyebrow at him.

Chris grabs your hand and leads you with him to a door at the side of the room.
You watch as Chris takes a key out of him pocket and unlocks it.
He ushers you to walk into the room.
You realize it's a stairway. You walk down the stair and Chris shuts the door and follows.

"Chris it's so dark in here," you tell him.
"Yeah. We don't really want people to know about this room," Chris explains.
You nod and grab his hand.

Chris opens a door and you walk inside.
Then Chris turns on the light.

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