The Start.

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       Cassidy's POV

        I woke to the dreadful sound of an alarm clock going off on a Monday morning. I groaned, pawing for the off button as I dragged myself out of bed. School today. I remembered the Christmas party on Friday and smiled. Now fully awake I went to my closet to pick out clothes. I picked a flannel with a band tee, skater jeans, and black Van high tops. I looked at the clock as I finished getting dressed, it read 5:30 am. I didn't have to leave til 6:30. Oh yeah, did I mention I was an early bird? 

        I went into my bathroom, brushed my teeth and combed and put gel in my brunette hair which was in a pixie with an undercut. Yes, I'm a tomboy, but I like it that way. I never really felt right dressing "girly" I liked being me and, well, this is who I am. I smiled, looking at myself in the mirror as I got my hair just right. I then put some mascara on while also making sure to glance at my watch, it was 6 am. I quickly finished up and then ran downstairs to make myself breakfast.

        My parents were already off to work. My dad worked about 45 minutes away so he always made his commute early. My mom, also an early bird, liked to work early so she took the morning to early afternoon shifts at bakery job. So that leaves me alone in the mornings. I don't exactly mind though. The solitude in the  mornings is quite peaceful. Plus, I have my dog, Bruno. He's a German Shepherd and quite a cuddly one at that. He keeps me company in the mornings. 

        Well, aside from that, it's time for breakfast! I pulled out some cereal and milk; pouring myself a bowl. I heard nails clicking against the hardwood floor and a name tag jingling away as Bruno trotted into the kitchen. 

        "Hey doggie, want some breakfast," I questioned as I went to get his food.

        Bruno licked his muzzle with his big pink tongue, waiting anxiously as I scoop food into his bowl. I carefully put it down on the floor then went back to my bowl of cereal which I brought into the living room. I flicked on the TV and watched while spooning some cereal, all the while keeping a careful eye on the time. Soon 6:30 rolled around and I had to leave. I said goodbye to Bruno while grabbing my black leather jacket and bag before rushing out the door. 

        I walk to school which is only a mere four blocks away. Anyway, I have to meet my girlfriend, Olivia at the corner so we can walk together. Oh yeah, did I mention I'm a lesbian? No? Oh, well I am.

        Olivia stood at the corner waiting for me. Her long, dirty blonde hair was up in a messy bun today. She had on skinny jeans with UGGS, a white band tee, and a brown leather jacket. She looked pretty hot if you ask me.

        "Hey sweetie! How are you?!" she squealed, rushing over to me.

        "Well, besides freezing my butt off I'm doing quite alright. How about you, darling?," I said, smiling as I pulled her into an embrace. She giggled as she leaned in for a kiss, softly and gently I kissed her back. She pulled back, her face beaming. She is adorable, I thought to myself.

        "Come on, baby, let's get going," she said as she dashed ahead of me , throwing me a wink over her shoulder as she looked back at me. 

        "Oh come on, Liv! You cant just leave me with that," I said, playfully running after her as she increased her speed, giggling away. Why'd she have to run track and be twice as fast as a cheetah!


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