Bumped Into Perfection

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Holly's POV

My first period was over after what seemed like forever of Mrs.Consley going on and on about due dates. I was daydreaming most of the time. I missed my friends. If it weren't for my Dad getting a job in Portland then we would've never had to move. Yet, at the same time, I understand he only wants the best for us and this job offers more money.

After talking to Mrs. C and having her write me a pass to my next class I hurried out the door and into the hall. I had gym next. As I walked through the halls a group of guys whistled at me. I rolled my eyes and kept walking, eventually going down a flight of stair to the first floor and then off to the gym.

On my way into the girls' locker room I bumped into someone causing me to drop my books.

        "Omg! I'm so sorry," the girl said. We bent down simultaneously to pick up the spilled books. I looked up into her eyes and that's when I realized it was her, the girl from homeroom. 

        "Uh, It's fine," I said quickly, my shyness overwelming me as I made an attempt to scurry away to my new gym locker. 

        "Wait," the girl grabbed my shoulder, stopping me and continued to speak as I turned around," Um, you're the new girl, aren't you? Your name's Holly?" 

        "Yep, that's my name!," I said, trying to turn away again. My shyness really gets in the way sometimes.

        The girl followed me to my locker. Her's was a few away from mine, but no one occupied the ones in between us. 

        "My name is Cassidy, but most people just call me Cass. So Holly, how are you liking the school? Made any friends yet?"

        "Oh um, no not really," I said, but it hadn't really sunk in that I didnt really click with anyone yet. I began to change into my gym clothes now, we only had about 3 mintues to change so I did so in a hurry.

        "Well you're always welcome to sit with me and my friends at lunch," Cassidy gave me a slight smile as she briefly glanced at me. 

        I had a good feeling about this school. I smiled as I finished changing and confidently walked out into the gym.

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