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Rosé : i told you. We are never gonna make it. We are only supposed to be friend.
Eunwoo : babe, we can always try our best.
Rosé : i tried my very best, but still. There nothing we can do.

Eunwoo : just, dont give up. Its only our 5th months together.
Rosé : exactly. But theres no romantic between us.
Eunwoo : you do know that we need time right? Besides, its a very long journey. We dont need to get married early. I will always wait for you to be ready.

Rosé : but, i cant have this romantic feelings cause i keep thinking im gonna lose you as my friend if we are not meant to be.
Eunwoo : you didnt even try your best.
Rosé : i know. Its because i cant.

Eunwoo : but i love you so much.
Rosé : i love you too. But theres something else.
Eunwoo : lets just wait for another year, and we will see how it goes. Lets try our very best, okay?

Rosé : im so sorry if i disappoint you.
Eunwoo : no no. You never disappoint me. I love you, okay?
Rosé : i promise im gonna try my best.

Jihyo : hello, is this Rosie?
Eunwoo : its her phone but she is at the toilet. May i know who you are?
Jihyo : its Jihyo, btw. Could you please tell her to call me back?
Eunwoo : yeah, sure. Btw, im Eunwoo.

Jihyo : Eunwoo? Eunwoo the face genius of the class?
Eunwoo : aww. Im just handsome. But thanks.
Jihyo : great then. Im inviting all of our classmates for a reunion. Dont forget to tell Rosie, okay? Thanks.

Eunwoo : my pleasure.

Rosé : who is it?
Eunwoo : Jihyo.
Rosé : why?
Eunwoo : shes inviting us for our classroom reunion.

Rosé : really. Cool. When?
Eunwoo : she asked you to give her a call.
Rosé : okay.

2022s reunion

Lisa : you guys okay?
Rosé : yeah, why?
Lisa : i thought you guys broke up last month.

Rosé : yeah, we did.
Jihyo : no hard feelings?
Eunwoo : of course. After all, we are just a friend.

Bam : aww. What a man. But seriously, if you are meant to be only friend, you can never cross the border. Just how Lisa and I try to make it work.
Lisa : couldnt agree more. Besides, im very sure you guys dont really love each other, its just that both of you feels comfortable around each other that you think you can make it work.

Rosé : with that, we have decided to stay only as a friend.
Eunwoo : after giving our best for more than 2 years, we can not force ourself.

Mina : im trying so hard to maintain a relationship like Jihyo and Daniel, but i guess they are unbeatables.
Jk : you know what, you can give it a try with Bambam.

Mina : you gotta be kidding me.
Jk : no, im dead serious. So Lisa can be free from Bambam, and me and Lisa can be on our own.

June : you seriously still have a feelings for her?
Jaehyun : i guess their case is the vice versa of Rosé and Eunwoo.

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