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A lone skeleton named Geno was sitting on his couch, his mind wandering over things, on what could've happened if he died. His eternal bleeding gash on his torso, has blood dripping again, yet the skeleton paid no mind. His glitch cloud on his left eye, was fizzing slightly. His memories reliving the day of the car crash, tears started to form on his eyes, as he kept remembering, the moment he just watched his parents and siblings turned to dust right before his eyes.


It was a normal sunny day, the sun was high in the sky, there was no dark clouds that could cover the sun from shining, cool summer breeze blowing the leaves and flowers as they danced together.

"Mommy! Can we go now?" whined Fresh, he is Geno's youngest brother.

"Shut up, Fresh, nobody wants to hear your whining." said the grumpy skeleton, named Error, he is Geno's second oldest brother.

"Boys! Quit fighting, or else we wont go anymore." Geno's mother scolded, Geno snickered, while the other two glared at him, he raised both of his hand in defense.

"Alright, we're good to go, get in the car." Geno's mother said, they all got inside the car and their mother started the engine.

The ride was peaceful and quiet, except for occasional humming of their mother.

"FrEsh LeT gO oF mE!" Error yelled, the glitches in his body, fizzing violently.

"Nah, I'd rather cling to ya Error, brah." Fresh answered in his 90's lingo.
"MoM! FrEsh wOn'T lEt mE gO!" Error complained his glitchy voice was getting worse by a second, their mom sighed and turned towards them.

"Fresh, quit annoying your brother." their mother said, in a warning tone.

"Fine." Fresh huffed and let go of his brother, who sighed in relief.

Geno's eyes was still glued on the road, while their mother was scolding his siblings. Geno saw a truck going towards their direction, and his eyes widened.

"Mom! Watch out!" Geno yelled.

Too Late.....

Their car crashed against the truck and flipped over, their windshield was broken into tiny pieces, the airbag was out, squeezing the air out of Geno's mother. Geno had a bleeding gash on his torso, Fresh's skull had a several cracks and his clothes was soaked by his own blood. While Error, had a large chunk of his skull gone, his arms was chipped and broken, he was bathing on his own blood.

Geno screamed for help, while banging against the car. Wails of sirens was heard in the distance, until it came to view, several police cars and an ambulance was seen going towards them. Geno was thankful for the ambulance to come to their aid, he turned towards his mother, and bursted into tears as he saw only dust, he looked towards his brothers panickly and saw them just started to dust.

"No, no, no, you can't leave me too! You can't! Please!" Geno pleaded, tears streaming down on his face. His brothers fully dusted and their souls shattered like a glass. Geno cried, like his own soul shattered on its own, yet he was confused why he wasn't dead, he had a large gash on his torso yet he hadn't dusted, and his blood was caking his chin. Geno soon passed out from blood loss and exhaustion from the accident. Yet that was the day he can never forget completely.

~Flashback End~

The lone skeleton cried, his tears creating it's own puddle on the floor, he hugged his knees to his chest and rocking back and forth, as to comfort his self. To no avail, it really wasn't effective, he just kept crying, he wouldn't be able to calm his self and continued his own breakdown.

Suddenly a doorbell rang out, the lone skeleton turned his head towards the door as the doorbell rang again, this time he finally eased him self and wiped his tears away, putting on a fake smile he walked towards the door and opened it. Another skeleton stood there, his hood over his head, he has a mismatched eyes, and dusts was all over his clothes. This skeleton's name was Dust, Geno's childhood bestfriend.

"Heya Geno, how are you?" Dust ask awkwardly.

"I'm doing fine, Dust." Geno replied with an emotionless voice.

"Mind if I come in?" Dust asked, while rubbing his nape. Geno shook his head and opened the door wider for Dust to come in, Dust gratefully went inside and gave Geno a smile, while the eternal bleeding skeleton returned it with a nod. Both of them sat on the couch, each of them was leaning on the arm of the couch, silence ruled over the two of them, until Geno broke the ice.

"What brings you here?" Geno asked flatly.

"Y'know, the usual, wanting to know how you're doing, keeping you company until you get bored of me and kick me out." Dust said the last part jokingly. Geno responded with a nod, considering his reason was acceptable, for now.

"So have any boyfriends or girlfriends , yet?" Dust knew that Geno was never interested in relationships, yet he still kept bugging Geno about it.

"I don't care about those kind of shits, and I don't wanna have one." Geno replied bluntly, his tone was flat.
"Ehh, why not? They can make you happy again." Dust's eyes widened and covered his mouth with his palms, and looked at Geno who was glaring at him.

"So?! If I started dating one, they will just break my goddamn heart! Or they'll just use me as their fuck buddy." Geno spat bitterly, and his glare on dust harden. Dust nodded in understanding and stood up.

"I understand that you still can't move one from your family Geno, but you have to, it's already 10 years and yet, you're still mourning for their death."
Dust reasoned, Geno's ice wall finally collapsed, he broke down crying letting all of his emotions out, infront of his bestfriend.

"Shh, Geno, let it all out, I'll be here for you, always." Dust hugged his bestfriend and rubbed his back.

"I-I don't know a-anymore Dust, I j-just want t-them back." Geno stuttered, his crying getting louder.

"I know Geno, but you can't change the past, you have to move on and accept your fate, Geno." Dust continued to comfort Geno, as his cries turned into sniffles and whimpers.

"Feeling better?" Dust asked, and let go of Geno. The whimpering skeleton nodded, and wiped his tears away.

"Thank you for being there for me, Dust. I don't know what to do without you." Geno confessed, Dust smiled comfortingly.

"As cheesy as it sounds, but we're friends Geno, and that's what friends do." Dust chuckled at his own statement, making Geno smile genuinely.

"Hey, wanna watch Netflix?" Dust offered, earning a big smile from Geno.

"Sure!" Geno answered happily.

The rest of the day Geno finally opened up to his own bestfriend, who understand him no matter what his situation is.


Umm, yay?
Sorry for the train of feels.
See you next time,little stars!

Out! ♥

Honey Lavender (An AfterDeath Fanfiction) [HIATUS] Where stories live. Discover now