Chapter 10

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"Geno?!" Blue exclaimed, pulling two people inside, after Blue realized who the other one was, he squealed, "Dust?!"

"Hi, Blue." Dust shyly said, handing Blue a pink rose.

"Oh my god, thank you so much!" Blue squealed, pulling Dust in a big hug.

Geno stepped away from them, looking at the cute scene.

'Aww, this is so cute.' Geno thought, as Dust's face started to tint purple.

"Y'know, this is kinda cute even though I hate it." A person beside Geno whispered, Geno let out a startled yelp slapping the person beside him.

"Ow..." The person muttered, cupping their cheek.

"Sorry Reaper." Geno said, looking at Reaper with an apologetic look.

"It's fine, I startled you after all." Reaper smiled at Geno, the other returned the smile with an awkward one.

'Damn, he's awfully nice today.' Geno thought, staring at Reaper.

"Admiring my beautiful face?" Reaper asked, looking at Geno with a smug smile.

'Nevermind, I take it back.' Geno thought again, as he mentally facepalmed.

"You wish, your face isn't even that close to being called 'beautiful'." Geno shot back, smirking at Reaper.

"Ouch, that hurts." Reaper gasped dramatically, falling to the floor with a soft 'clank'.

"Pfft, you're so dramatic." Geno giggled, helping Reaper to his feet.

"I'm not denying it." Reaper chuckled, dusting his pants.

"Brother, where's dad?" Blue asked, walking over to Reaper while dragging Dust behind him.

"Probably at his office, why?"

"I wanna introduce Geno and Dust to him!"

"I suggest you do not disturb him right now, I think he's busy." Reaper suggested, eyeing Dust. Dust grinned, but he seemed uncomfortable under Reaper's gaze.

"Oh, alright."

Blue took Dust's arm and walked to the stairs, "Come on, I'll show you my room!"

"Umm, should we follow them?" Geno asked, staring at the other two's retreating figure.

"Eh, I'm sure they won't do anything bad." Reaper shrugged, he really couldn't care right now.

"By the way, I'm not supposed to tell you this, but, Dust is planning on courting Blue." Geno whispered to Reaper, before sitting down on the couch.


"Yeah, I thought he wasn't serious." Geno admitted, crossing his legs.

"Pfft, I doubt that mom and dad will let him, they barely knew the guy." Reaper laughed, sitting next to Geno.

"You'll never know, nobody knows what's running inside a person's head." Geno shrugged, scooting away from Reaper.

"Wanna bet?" Reaper asked, throwing his head back.

"Sure, how much?"

"10 bucks and a kiss."

"Nevermind, I'll pass."

"You're boring,"

"As long as I don't get to lose my pride, I'd be willing to be boring."

"So, your pride is more important?"

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