Chapter 8

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A/N: I'm removing the bold and italic texts, whenever they talk. Enjoy Reading!
Reaper's POV

I knocked at Blue's door for the fifth time this day. I waited patiently, but no one seemed to answer. I knocked again, and I could hear shuffling and a crash inside.

The door swung open, revealing a really depressed looking, Blue. Gosh, he looked horrible with those dark circles under his eyes and he seemed like he's not been sleeping.

"Hey, Blue." I greeted, with a small wave. Blue stared at me for a while, before slamming the door in my face.

"Blue! Please open the door!" I yelled, and knocked frantically. I didn't get an answer, so I eventually gave up and marched down the stairs towards the living room.

I saw Dad and Lust, talking to each other both of them smiling widely. They noticed my presence and turned to look at me.

"Hey Dad, Lust." I greeted, and sat down on the one seater sofa.

"So? How did it go?" Lust asked, as he recomposed himself. I gave him a sad smile.

"He doesn't wanna talk to me, so I gave up." I replied, looking down in disappointment. I suddenly remember how horrible he looked earlier.

"Dad, Blue looked horrible earlier." I said, Dad looked at me with a questioningly.

"I thought, he didn't want to talk to you?" He asked. I sighed, remembering how he slammed the door in my face without hesitance.

"Well, he did opened his door then a few moments later he slammed the door in my face." I replied, Lust snorted and laughed.

"BLUE, slammed the door in YOUR face?! I never thought that would happen." Lust blurted out, and laughed. Even dad let out a chuckle.

"Dad! Lust! You're supposed to help me in this situation!" I complained, they stopped and looked at me.

"There's nothing we can do about this situation, Reaper. YOU must be the one who'll find a solution to this problem of yours. You're a grown man, you'll know the answer to your problems." Dad said, and stood up. Giving a curt nod and left.

"Dad's right, Reaper. Maybe, I'll help you a little bit, but for now I'll just go and hangout with my friends." Lust gave a small wave and left.

I sighed. Should I ask some help from his friends? Besides, I could see that glitchy skeleton again. The only reason, I was acting cold around him was-

"Reaper! Come help me real quick!" someone yelled, I faced the direction on where the sound came from and saw Lust with a troubled look.

"I thought you left?" I asked, with a confused look.

"I was about to, but I remembered something!" Lust stated, and looked at me with a pleading look.

"What?" I asked.

"Come with me, please? Someone's stalking me!" He exclaimed.

"How am I suppose to help with that?" I asked, he thought for a moment before answering.

"Just come with me! So, you could scare them off!" Lust replied, and started dragging me towards the door.

We both head out, and in a distance not so far away. I could see a hooded figure, with their head tilted downwards.

"See that hooded figure in the distance?" Lust asked, I nodded while staring at the hooded figure intently. "That's the person who's stalking me."

"How did you know that, that person's stalking you?" I asked.

"They've been following me ever since I got home, yesterday!" Lust replied, with a troubled look. I sighed, and walked with him.

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