8. Wedding bells

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8. Wedding bells

The day is finnaly here!

Bloom Pov

As we walk down the isle, thinking of the furure and what lies ahead...

Wait! You want to know from the beggining right?

Well here it goes....

Earlier that morning

All the girls woked up 10 am, they hardly sleep last night. Thinking from the future kept them awake.

All the girls decided to go and get something to drink before getting ready, that each each out of their room and meet each in their living room.

All the girls was there esepct Stella, how could she forget her most important day.

All of us decided to went to her room, when we arrived we were shocked out of our bodies, she were up looking at her wedding dress

Stella, are everything okay? Musa asked walking to her

Yeah, it's just I can't believe today is the day, I have been dreaming about this day as a kid and now it's happening. Stella said while rubbing her dress.

Yeah, today we go as married not teens. Aisha said smiling

Are we sure we can do this? Flora asked as all look at each

Sort of, the whole world will be watching, so we can't fall or trip. Said Stella smiling

Or run and ditch the boys. Tecna said as we all burst out in laughter

On their wedding day! I said as we all laughed

Yeah, that will be on the world's tv series called worst wedding ever! Musa said as we all look at each and laughed again.

From here on there is no turning back. Aisha said and we nodded

We all smiled and laughed as we got an area to sit and relax and just talked.

Times went on, I guess its right time flies when your having fun.

Suddenly Tecna clock went off.


I quess, we need to finish up. Tecna said smiling as we all smiled getting up as Stella spoke

Faragonda will be in the hall doing our hair.

As we nodded leaving Stella room and heading to ours, we arrived and I got my dress and put it in, with Flora behind me, we both walked to the mirrors and looked.

We all had the same white dress esecpt Stella had the longest wail and Musa the shortes.

When we were finished we meet each in the living room and smiled at one another, today its finally happening.

As we head out, suddenly all the students off Alfea were standing in the halls clapping and cheering for us, we all smiled at them, when we got to the end all the teachers was standing there smiling brighter as ever, I think they are happy we are leaving, well that's what they still think, we all fought to stay here and still teach, they said we can stay as long as we want.

When we got there, Miss Faragonda smiled at us.

Well girls today you 6 are taking a huge step, and I am proud of all of you, we all are. She said and we smiled

Suddenly Miele our bridesmaid and Daphne our best woman came out wearing their dress.

I smiled as I look at my sister with her round womb, I can't wait for that little girl, I am very happy she and Thoren are together with a little daughter on the way, she looked so beautiful.

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