12. The Wonderful Winx

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12. The Wonderful Winx

At Alfea courtyatd

Daphne! Bloom! Photo time! Yell Stella taking a sister and little niece photo.

So cute! Stella yelled as all the girls nodded smiling as they walk off

Daphne, and now? Bloom asked

I can't believe she is my little daughter, so I am taking good care of her as a mother should. Daphne said smiling looking at Bloom nodding

Yeah, you are a good mother. Bloom said smiling sitting next to her as Daphne smiled hugging her

Do you want to hold her? Daphne asked as Bloom nodded, while Daphne handed her little Lilly

As the 2 sister talked, Thoren and Sky came near and joined them.

Few minutes past of talking all the Winx and Spesalists joined, suddenly a hit song played and all the Winx decided to dance with their boy Spesalists, while Daphne and Thoren staid with their daughter giving her support and love by ticking her and playing with her and so on.

All of the girls, had fun with their boyfriend, and all got a part.

The Wonderful Winx



I'm feeling fine

And there is no place I would rather be

'Cause all I need is feel a little magic


My hands are in the air my heart is like a drum beat

Let's celebrate

'Cause life is such a party


It's a magical


So wonderful


It's a magical


It's just wonderful

We had a dream

And today it's a reality

Let's sing and dance you know it's time to party

My hands are in the air my heart is like a drum beat

Let's celebrate

This is sound of Winx Club





I'm feeling fine

And there is no place I would rather be

'Cause all I need is feel a little magic


My hands are in the air my heart is like a drum beat

Let's celebrate

'Cause life is such a party


It's a magical


So wonderful


It's a magical


It's just wonderful

We had a dream

And today it's a reality

Let's sing and dance you know it's time to party

My hands are in the air my heart is like a drum beat

Let's celebrate

This is sound of Winx Club





When the song finised all enjoyed their time at that party, being a family means being together.

And learning that life is a surprise it just happen and none knew what is next, you always need to be prepared.

Stay positive and remember there is always a light in the end of the tunnel no matter, how steep or dark it is, there is a way.

As the years past the girls, got pregnant with their own healthy kids and those kids became the next Winx generation and helped their parents along the way.

Daphne and Thoren, decided to give Lilly all the attention she needs, and decided that no nanny took care of her, only if it was needed.

All live happily ever after!

It seemed that life is like a mirror if you smile back at the world it smiles back at you.

Enjoy being who you are and enjoy each moment, life is sort and enjoy who you have as a family or maybe friends, it can easily be taken away.

From that day on the Winx continued to fight evil and save the universe cause that is what they love to do.

&Do something you love and you never have to work a day in your life!&

Be you and stay positive and look at the world differently, you may not make or feel special but, you make life special!

My question to you is?

Are you who you wanna be and happy who you are and positive in everything you do, cause that is the biggest thing in life?

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