10. A new heir of Sparks

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10. A  new heir of Sparks

At the ball

Daphne? Bloom yelled going to her

I am okay, it's the pain is starting to get worse by each minute. Daphne replied just looking at Thoren who held her hand.

We have to get you inside. Ofelia said smiling as she went into the empty room

Thoren can you and Sky help her gentley in? Faragonda asked as Sky look at Bloom who nodded smiling

Daphne may I help? Sky asked asking her permission.

Daphne just nodded as Sky and Thoren help by putting their arms around her back and their other arms around her knees, as they walk gently with the rest in.

All saw a bed with a bathroom at the side, as Thoren and Sky put her gentley onto the bed.

You okay? Miriam asked sitting next to her.

I am okay. She replied as she crimp in again, as Miriam took her hand.

Hey? You will be okay, you'll see. Her mother said smiling as Oritel nodded with the rest smiling

I know, I am not actually worried, maybe a little. She replied smiling as all smile at her.

Suddenly Ofelia walked in with an dress.

Where did you get that dress? Asked Stella smiling

A nurse is always prepared. She replied smiling as all smiled

Bloom do you want to stay with Daphne and help her? Faragonda asked

Bloom, if you dont want to, it's okay. Daphne replied as Thoren nodded

It's okay, I will help you. You helped me a lot now, it's my turn to help you. Bloom said smiling as she went to Daphne and gentley hug her.

Okay, we all will be outside. They all replied smiling as they give their support and love, and walked out to the ball were all enjoyed themselves, they will come back after a few minutes to find out.


You all ready? And especially you Daphne? Ofelia asked smiling

We're ready. they replied smiling

Yeah, can't wait to see her. Daphne replied smiling

As Thoren went to Daphne side along with Miss Faragonda and Bloom at the ptherside and Ofelia who helped.


The party was grazy the music was playing loud and all tried to have fun, yet they staid worried, they were eager to find out.

They were worried yet, some music keep them off their minds.

40 minutes past and they all wasn't up to dance they just sit there waiting.

How do you think, is it going? Asked Miriam worried

They will be fine, Daphne is real strong and she didn't have much pain or she did yet, she control it well. Some replied smiling as they all smiled


Everything was going great, Daphne did well along with the rest helping.

Here we go. Ofelia replied smiling as they hear a huge cry as Ofelia took the crying little girl and put her gentley in the air with her screaming.

She is so small! Bloom said smiling looking at the little girl in her arms

She is, yet not to small. Fargonda can you please get me that yellow blanket. Ofelia asked as Faragonda smiled opening the blanket as Ofelia places the baby girl in Faragonda's arms as she close her tide.

Can I hold her please? Daphne asked opening her arms to Faragonda

As Faragonda smiled handeling her daugter slowly in Daphne arms saying &Here you go dear, you did really well.&

Thanks. She replied smiling

Daphne held her close to her chest smiling down at her, Thoren took his hand slowly and hold her fingers.

Oh Thoren, she is so beautiful. Daphne said smiling taking her finger, and rubbing her cheek, as her daughter look up at her smiling, shy had Daphne light blond hair on her head and Thoren Brown eyes

It was all worth it. Thoren said smiling

As Bloom peek to see her, in her sister's arms

Do you want to hold her? Daphne asked smiling as Thoren smiled at them

May I? Bloom asked smiling as Daphne smiled and slowly gave her daughter in her arms too Bloom who smiled

Few minutes past as Ofelia and Faragonda smiled at each.

Can I let in the rests its been 5 minutes. Ofelia said smiling as they all nodded as Bloom give Daphne her daughter back to her gentley, as Thoren smile at their daughter smiling at them

As Ofelia open the door for the others.

Hey, you all ready to see her? Ofelia asked as they all went in soon each was into the room.

As Bloom smiled at the girls as they walk in.

Can we look at her? All the girls asked as they all nodded

Sure. Daphne said smiling as Thoren nodded

Dad, Mom? Do you want to hold her first? Daphne asked as they nodded

Miriam took Daphne daughter and smiled down at her as Oritel look beside his wife and into their granddaughter eyes, who looked up at them smiling with her little eyes open

She is so beautiful. Miriam said smiling as Oritel took his finger into her little hand.

Daphne look up at them smiling as a tear escape her eyes, she loved this moment seeing her parents and Bloom next to them smiling as Sky stood behind Bloom also peeking as the rest followed behind them.

It's a little girl. Stella said smiling

Yeah, she is small yet, not too small. Ofelia said smiling as all smiled

Can we also hold her? They all asked with a begging voice.

As they both nodded smiling, Bloom hold her firsts with Sky behind her smiling as they past her on, and the boys stood the same behind their girl smiling looking at the little girl.

Few hours past and all got a chance to hold her, as they past her back to Daphne, yet Thoren hold her first as he past her onto Daphne.

So what arenyou calling her? Asked Gizrelda smiling

We both decided on Lilly. Daphne said smiling as Thoren nodded happily as all smiled at them.

It's a beautiful name. Some said smiling as they nodded happily

All enjoyed their time with the little girl, and couldn't stop smiling and speaking.

Suddenly Ofelia spoke, the party is almost over and all were leaving, I am going to transport all of us too Alfea.

As all nodded

As she did, and they were in the infirmary.

All enjoyed for a few minutes until, Ofelia told them that Daphne needs rest and the little girl was tired.

All said they byes and were with Lilly tickeling her on touching her hand saying bye, and to the new parents, as they nodded smiling and walked off, as they all went out.

As Stella and some decided to hold a party at Alfea, they defeat the Trix and they had a great time.

They all decided on tomorrow when Daphne can come out.

As they walk off and went back.

Will something happen next or is this a happy ever after?

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