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I will kneel down at your feet.

But I will cry while touching them.

I will smile and help you throughout.

But I will scream till I'm broken.

My soul fights to stay herself.

But I'm constantly changed by you.

You touch me, and I pull back.

But you coerce me to burn and touch you.

I am clawing and peeling on the inside.

But nobody sees through my facade of smiles.

No kind soul tries to help me,

Oh I wish I was free of this despondency.

You are nothing but a threat,

And to everyone else, you're a vice.

I run and choke and maim.

But you seem indifferent to my cries.

You cripple me with false hope,

Then you destroy me with poisonous tears.

You lurk in the shallow waters of my agony,

Then you petrify me with my fears.

In this black hole of raging tyranny.

In this whirlpool of continual misery.

I wound and bruise and bear all torment.

Because it is assured that I cannot escape to my haven.

I'm shrinking and I'm retreating,

I'm bleeding and I'm searing.

Trapped in this chaos of looming doom.

I rupture and I give up, because that's all I can do.


A/N: Hey guys. Hope you liked my little random piece of writing. Do check out my other works too, and also 'InkedHeart's poetry. She deserves lots of love and support from anyone and everyone, because she's the sweetest person ever, and her stuff will make you melt much like she will if you ever got the chance to get to know her. Thank you for taking the time to read everything I just wrote. ^.^

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