• p r e f a c e •

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Just a quick note: I haven't re read the chapters so there's gonna be a LOT of mistakes for now. So don't say I didn't warn you. ⚠️
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The smell of weed swifts into my nostrils as I scrunch them in disgust knowing full well who was smoking in the house, swinging his door open with a loud thud as it hit the edge of his work table, my twin brother Xavier jumps in fright hiding his lit rolled up spliff behind his back as the smoke trailed upwards.

"I thought it was mum." He said abit shaken up.

"You're acting like we can't smell the disgusting shit through the hall way. Open the fuckin' window and smoke else where. I'm done having your back." I snap at him for being so ignorant.

He giggled. "Who cares not me that's who not."

"I do." I grind my back teeth, with that said I slam the door moving to my room and opening the window in hopes the smell will lessen by the time our parents were back from their little date.

It was an hour later, a rough knock on my door was heard "come in." I call.

The door squeaks opened and my brothers head popped in. "Im going out. Tell mum I'm at Jenifer's house or something."

"It's Jennet." I shake my head at his lack brain cells. Swear the more he smokes the more brain cells he looses. I nod my head at him not wanting to argue.

I already had a few ideas of where he was heading to anyways. The blue den.

It was known for all the people who wanted to get high and loose every sense they had left or just the massive parties that were thrown every other school day.

I don't even know what brought Xavier to even start smoking. Maybe he was always hanging with the wrong crowd and that's without my parents knowledge.

My parents always thought Xavier was the better twin between us two I don't even know why that's the only reason he's kept it a secret. I'm sure one day he'll get caught by our parents then I'll laugh at his face and say 'told you so.'

I just really wished he stopped but I had no idea how.

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