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It was early in the morning I roll over blinking a few times my eyes adjusting to the morning light.

I glance at my alarm clock.


A groan escaped my lips. It was Monday the worst day of the week, well every other day was too but today was the start of school after are weekend and I did not have the energy or motivative to move.

School began at seven so I had forty-five minutes left.

A knock at my door made my head snap to see who it was. My brother "get up you lazy bitch." I reach behind my head for a pillow to throw it at him but he slammed the door shut before it could hit him falling against the floor with a soft thud.

I eventually get up.

Stripping from my night clothes I hop in the shower the cold water making my back arch as it finally started warming up. Bad idea to not wait. Brushing my teeth and doing everything I needed to get done for my morning.

I walk back into my room looking at the clock that sat on my bed side table.

It flashed in red. 6:35am.

Shit I only had twenty-five minutes to get to school.

I rush down the stairs always tripping on the last stair. I fast walk into the kitchen and grab a coco pops bar opening it up I stuff it in my mouth.

"Where's Xavier." My sentence came out muffled.

"Waiting for you in his car." My dad shouted from god knows where I quickly rush to the front door and slam it shut to see him talking to Tiffany are slutty neighbour. Well she just lived across the road.

Her long tanned legs crossed at the ankles as she nods her head at what my brother said to, her blonde curly hair bouncing I could tell how healthy they were.

I near my brother and slap his head he grunts in reply moving to the driver seat. Reving the engine of his bmw Tiffany giggles squealing like a pig I shake my head In disappointment.

How can some one stand sounding like that? if I sounded like that I'd never wanna talk ever again.

We made it to school with ten minutes to spare.

"So there's a party at the blue den you better not be there."

"Why not?" I cross my arms turning my body towards him giving him my full attention.

"Because there's going to be dangerous people there and I don't want you involved."

"I can look after my self thank you very much." I reach to the back seat of his car for my school back slamming it purposely on his head making him hiss he cursed bitch under his breath making me roll my eyes. I slam the door shut.

My brothers eyes widened at my action "you act like you're paying for insurance." He shakes his head making his way over to his group of friends that stood in the far end of the football pitch.

I make my way into the school building as my best friend Jennet is always inside waiting for my presence.

"Hi." She sings awfully cheery for a Monday morning.

"Why are you in a good mood?"

She gasps, "who's says I can't be in a good mood?" slapping my shoulder.

"Spit it out." I turn to my locker pulling the use full books I needed for the day. Sending a side glance at her once in a while.

"Party at the blue den and you're tagging along."

"Umm why am I tagging along?"

"Because I need your help."

"I'm guessing Shawns going to be there." I roll my eyes slamming my locker shut turning my full body towards her giving her my attention. I lean again the locker with my arms crossed.

"Well." She pauses "you know how he broke it off with Tiffany yesterday." She twirls her ginger hair.

"Yeah I can tell, she was flirting with my brother this morning." I shudder at the memory.

"Well I'm trying to hook up with him tonight and I need your help."

"For what exactly?"

She wiggles her eyebrows, "you'll see."

"I won't because Xavier said I'm not allowed to go. Apparently dangerous people will be there." I air quote 'dangerous people.'

"You need to stop letting him control your life." She punches my arm. Ow I rub the area which will indeed be bruised she punches like a man. She a very violent girl.

"Your right for once in my life he's not going to control me i'm almost eighteen." I puff my shoulders out standing tall.

"Alright big girl calm down a bit people are staring." She awkwardly laughs at the people making me laugh.

Today was going to be reckless and I was looking forward to it. Would it be worth it? I sure hope it will.

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