Music ✨

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It was lunch and your friends and you were hanging out as usual. The cafeteria food sucked so you never ate at lunch. You just sat at your table and admired c/n. He is so adorable when he laughs with his friends, and he knew you liked him. He would look at you, then asked why you were blushing with the most smug smile, he was a asshole but you still liked him and you didn't know why. All of the sudden, from your friends phone played your favourite song. It was loud, but only enough that you could hear it— you thought. While laughing and dancing, you felt a tap on your shoulder... c/n. "Can you turn of that trash?" He said, putting his arm around you. You were practically glowing pink from his contact and were at a loss for words. He turned to you, all you could do was stutter. People started laughing at you, so you started to ran fast
you got to your car. You didn't turn it on, you just sat in it listening to f/s. You heard a knock on your door and looked over. You unlocked the door and for the first time while interacting with you, he didn't have a smile on his face. He looked genuinely sorry. "I'm a asshole, aren't I?" He said, looking you straight into your eyes. "Yeah, you are. The biggest." He laughed. "Ok, I deserve it, uhm I came to say sorry and well..." c/e/c shined in the sun coming thought your window. You couldn't help but smile. He looked innocent and goofy. "I never meant to upset you, actually I kinda like you..."

Crush x you <3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant