Animal crossing (wlw)

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As you walked down the halls of (your school name) you noticed the cute c/n, your quite straight crush/best friend with AirPods in, the music as too loud as always and you could hear it from down the hall. "You were out of my luege~" she sang softly to herself as you walked towards her, you said hello but she didn't return your greeting. "Someone's rude this morning. " you said but again no response. You looked at her phone and to no surprise she was playing animal crossing. "Helloooo, you good? Your in a trance or something, "I'm scared." She made a big smile as her h/c hair swayed. "Oh shit, first period. Meet me at twelve behind the bleachers, k?" She said with an innocent yet exited look in her face. The next few hours were misery and all you wanted to do was see the girl of your dreams, c/n. When 4th period was let out you practically ran to the bleachers. There she was on her phone again, this time without headphones, playing the animal crossing theme song. As you reached her he cried out in joy. "Y/n! Ok, ok. Look at my island in animal crossing, I'm really proud!" She gave you her phone and as you walked along she asked you to go into her house where, as you walked in you saw the lesbian flag with "I LISTEN TO GIRL IN RED" plastered on the wall. "Woah... wait are
You coming out.?" She nodded. "Well, ok. Got a crush then?" You smiled trying to make things less awkward. Suddenly she pulled you into a close hug and whispered. "Maybe you... no homo though."

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