Picture frame✨

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"I never realised how much i loved fire" c/n said while looking at the fireplace. He was your best friend and it was close to Christmas. You got along with his parents and siblings if he has any and they all loved you. Your families were friends and you had know each other for a long time. "C/l/n, you are a sociopath. No seriously, there is something wrong with you." You chuckled. He looked at you for a second and all you heard was the fire crackling and the news in the background. He smiled at you and looked at his phone, then his face lit up. "Y/n! I forgot, we won't be able to see each other this Christmas, so I got you a gift." Although your eyes were still glued to the fireplace you could almost hear a smile in his voice. "Ok, close your eyes." He said, and as you closed them you felt a rectangular object in your lap. You opened your eyes and saw a framed picture of the two of you. "C/N!!! Omgosh, I love this! It's so adora-" you stopped because as you picked up the frame the back came out, and the picture fell out. "Oh, c/n I'm sorry.. I didn't realise.. wait.." as the paper landed on the ground you saw writing in the back. You looked at c/n and he was blushing and smiling ear to ear. As you read what it said out loud you were practically gushing with happiness. "Merry Christmas, y/n.. uh I just want to say that I love you!" You recited as you hugged him and put the picture back into the frame. "Aww, c/n,  I love you too." "no, no, you aren't understanding y/n, I love you. He said and you realised what he said. "Oh, wow.. took you long enough... I love you too c/n..."

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