The Rivers edge

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Outfit up top^^^

Alex POV

My alarm goes off at 7:15. It's the first day of school and I'm finally starting high school, thank god. I get out of bed, and spend a solid thirty minutes trying to pick an outfit. In the end I decide on jean shorts, a cropped black tee, my converse, and a red leather jacket that the Blossoms gave me.

I go downstairs to eat breakfast before Jessie comes to walk with me. Hal is glaring at my outfit, as he has every day for the past year. He's tried everything to get me to wear more "appropriate" clothes. All he cares about is our family's reputation. After a quick bowl of cereal, I go brush my teeth, and put my makeup on. I hear a knock on the door just as I'm going down the stairs. I open the door, grabbing my backpack on the way out. My backpack was another gift from the Blossoms. It was camo with black leather straps and gold buckles.

I meet Jess outside and we start walking to school. When we get there, we choose our lockers. Mine is right beside Cheryl's, in the busiest hallway, with the football team and most of the cheer squads lockers. Jessie's was at the end of the hallway. I see Betty and Kevin giving Veronica a tour, and decide to join them until classes start. I walk up behind them and announce my presence.

" Hey guys!" Betty startles and turns around. " Stop sneaking up on me like that!" She's always saying that one day I'll give her grey hairs by sneaking up on her. Kevin smiles when he sees me. "Hey kiddo" He says ruffling my hair.

Then Veronica catches sight of Archie. " There's the angel escort from last night. Is he your boyfriend?" Betty replies " No we're just friends" at the same time Kevin says " No, he's straight". Veronica then turns to me expectantly. "Oh! No, we're just friends" I say.

She then asks Betty if she minds putting in a word, saying something about having tried every flavour but orange. To which Kevin replies that Archie and Betty aren't dating, but they are endgame. Then they start talking about the dance this weekend, and how Betty should ask Archie. I had no intention of going to that, but I knew Cheryl would make me.

After a boring first period, we had an assembly about Jason. I end up sitting next to Jughead. He shoots me a small smile, and looks like he's about to say something when Cheryl starts talking. She talks about how She loved Jason, he was her soulmate, her other half. The assembly ends when Cheryl says that the dance will continue as planned, in honour of Jason.

" Hey, Alex, wait up" Jughead calls out just as I'm about to leave. I turn around. " Hey Juggie." I give him a small smile. He stops in front of me.      " How are you? I know everyone's focused on Cheryl right now, I just wanted to make sure you're okay. I know we haven't talked much lately, but I'm here if you ever need to talk about anything." 

Just then my phone buzzed. It was Betty asking me to sit with her and her friends at lunch. I put my phone back in my pocket and look up at Jug. "Thank you Juggie. It means a lot. I've got to go but I'll talk to ya later okay?" He grins as I turn to leave. I walk outside , looking around to find Betty.

I get to the table, and Kev scoots over to make room. Veronica arrives a few minutes later as we're talking about Archie's music. He plays a clip for us, with some persuasion from Betty and Veronica. "It's rough" he explains, and is immediately put in his place by Betty. " No Arch, it's great"

Time skip brought to you by Edith. Thanks Edith.

It was time for cheer tryouts. I did the routine, and was immediately placed on the team. I wasn't surprised, Cheryl has been teaching me dance for years. Betty and Veronica were currently being harassed by Cheryl in an "interview".

I cut into their conversation when Cheryl asked about Polly. " Cheryl stop." But she paid me no mind and kept going. I couldn't stay any longer without doing something stupid so I stalked out of the gym. How dare Cheryl insult Polly. I knew she hated Polly, for breaking me and Jay up, but she was seriously crossing a line.

Turns out Veronica and Betty did make the team, and we were walking on the track when Vee looked at Betty mischievously. " Hey Archiekins! Come here!" Archie, who had just finished football practice jogged over. I caught wind of Veronica's plan "Betty wanted to ask you something. Didn't you Betty?" I nudged her.

" I..uh.. was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance with.. all of us. As friends. Cause it's Ronnie's first Riverdale dance!" She was so close. But she choked. Archie is unsure, that much is clear, but Ronnie manages to convince him. He smiles " Sure" and just like that, I have three dates to the dance. Although Ronnie and I are going to leave them alone pretty much right away.

Words: 884

Like I said, I'm not a writer. I'm looking at other stories to try to improve my writing, but if you have any tips feel free to comment. Peace.

Cheryl/ Toni or Kevin/ Joaquin

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