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     I was sitting on a stool around the counter of my kitchen. It was
quiet as always since my parents are always on business trips and my
brother is hardly home. Scrolling through instagram I heard the front
door open and closed shut. I guess Chad is home then; Chad is my
older brother, he is a senior at Westwood high school which I also
attend and star quarterback of the football team. He is the typical
playboy. “Katie where you at?” my brother shouted for me. “In here.”
I shouted from the kitchen. He came in with a guy behind him; I’d be
lying if I said he wasn’t cute. He looked like the typical high school
bad boy with a black leather jacket, white muscle tee and black jeans
and white vans. He had the most beautiful shade of blue eyes; they
resembled the ocean beautiful and calm. “Katie this is Xavier.” My
brother introduced me to the guy. I simply nodded my head in
acknowledgement. He looked at me but didn’t say anything. “ Where
going upstairs.’ Chad said to me, I just nodded my head as he walked
       Busted by the Isley Brothers began to play, singing along for a
while I picked up my phone. “Hey best friend.” My over excited
friend Megan shouted in my ear as soon as I answered her call. Megan
was my best friend since middle school. She is a cheerful girl who
loves gossip and dressing up. Overall she is a girly girl. Lightly
laughing I replied “Hey Megan, what’s up?” . “Ohhh nothing” she
replied. Knowing her she wanted something and she knows that it’s
something I hate. “What do you want?” I asked her. Hahaha she
laughed nervously. “Why would I want something, can’t I call the
most important girl in my life and check if she is ok?” . That was a
total giveaway. “Megannn.” I drawled out her name to make herknow that I didn’t buy her excuse. “Fine.” She huffed. I can just picture her folding her arms and pouting right now. Laughing lightly I said “Sooooo.” “There is a party tomorrow night and I was wondering if you wanted to go? She asked. Sighing “You know I hate
parties.” I replied. I didn’t see the sense of parties why dress up in
clothes that barely cover your body and drinking so much liquor and
dancing on strangers. Ewww, and to top off waking up with a hangover. “Please.” Megan begged me. “You still owe me for saving
your butt in maths class.” She continued to say. It was true, I had
forgot to study for the quiz I had every Friday so Megan gave me the
answers for all the problems. “ Fine; but I am not wearing a dress.” I
said giving in. “yeahhh!” she screamed excited that I actually agreed to going to a party. I’ll pick you up in half an hour so we can go
shopping.” She said while hanging up the phone.I’m so tired. Megan had picked me up over an hour ago and we’ve been at
the mall ever since. She dragged me into every store I really would not have
mind if she actually bought anything. We’re now in Victoria Secret and I’m
starving, “Megan, I’m hungry.” I whined to my best friend. “Quit complaining
we will eat as soon as we’re finish in here.” She turned to me and said. “I can’t
wait any longer I’m going to the food court to get me some food before I die,
don’t worry I’ll order for you too.” I said before rushing to get my food. Joining
the pizza line I waited until it was my turn to order. When it was my turn I
ordered three slice of double pepperoni and a sprite for myself and a slice of
pineapple and diet coke for Megan.
After collecting my food I looked around for an available seat finding one I
hurried to it before someone else to take it. Setting down the food I picked up a
slice and took a bite, moaning at the goodness I heard the click of a camera.
Opening my eyes I look to see Megan with her phone pointed at me. “Your
such a pig.” She said to me while she showed me her phone with a picture of me
eating. “whatever.” I said to her as she sat down and bit into her slice. We were
eating quietly until she shouted “oh I heard that we are getting a new transfer
student.” “We get them all the time so what I don’t see what your excited
about,” I said to her. It was true we get a lot of new student throughout the year
so it wasn’t a surprise to the students when they heard of a new student or saw
one. “He is super cute and well built and also a bad boy at least that’s what I’ve
heard.” She said to me. Being the curious cat I am I had to ask “Do you know
his name?” “Sadly no.” she said sounding disappointed.
Finishing up with our food we decided to call it a day and head home. Megan
dropped me at my house since I didn’t drive. I told her goodbye hopping out of
the car. “Katie wait!” I heard Megan shouted after me. “Here, It’s your clothes
for the party. I got it for you while you went to stuff your face.” Smiling at her I
said “Thanks. It better not be a dress in here.” She just laughed and drove away.
Getting inside the house I was welcomed with silence and loneliness , I always
forgot that my parents are never home so I can’t them about my day and theonly relative that’s home avoids me most of the time. Not wasting any more
time dwelling on my sad life I head upstairs to my room. Setting the shopping
bag one side a jumped into my bed, as I was about to doze off I heard my
phone chime. It was a message from Megan reminding me of the party. I sent a
quick reply then got up and changed into comfortable night wear before going
to sleep. Letting the exhaustion take over I welcome the darkness for it was
better than my life.

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