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I arrived at the diner fifteen minutes ago and have been waiting
on that best friend of mine. Once I had entered I looked at our usual
spot to see if she had arrived but was disappointed, thinking she was
running late I sat at our usual spot. Since I’m not able to bare this
hunger anymore I called over a waitress to whom I ordered the
breakfast special. Wondering where she could be but was sent to
voicemail, I tried a couple more times and got the same response.
Worrying I sent a quick message.
K: where are you
I still haven’t gotten a response from her five minutes later when my food
arrived. Still feeling worried I sent her another message;

K: why aren't you replying
K: please let me know when you get this so i know your ok I'm worried.
Putting my worry aside for a few minutes I dug into my breakfast.
It was amazing; it consisted of pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon and
green tea. Since I was alone I took my time to eat since I didn’t have
anything to do or nowhere else to be. I took out my phone and openedmy wattpad library, choosing a book I started to read while finishing
my breakfast. After a few minutes I got the feeling that someone was
watching me; glancing up I caught the eyes of Chad’s friend, the one
that was by my house yesterday. I looked directly into his eyes, he
was the first to break eye contact, it looked like he was debating if he
should come over here; but after sending him a glace that said “ don’t
come over here.” He turned and left. Not bothering to stay any longer
I paid for my meal and left.
I still haven’t heard from Megan a few hours later when I was at
home. Taking up my phone I decided to try calling her again; unlike
last time she picked up the phone. “I’m so sorry babe.” Was the first
thing she said to as she picked up the phone. Replying to her “Megan
Conners you better have a good excuse for ditching me at breakfast
and not replying to my messages or phone call, I’m quite angry right
now.” “shit I’m sorry kat, Myles wanted to go to the park and my
parents didn’t wanted to take him so they said I had to; and about not
answering your calls or messages I had left my phone at home.” She
said sincerely. Knowing that it wasn’t her fault I was about to tell her
she was for forgiven my stomach grumbled.
“I’ll forgive you if you buy me a box of my favourite donuts from
the bakery a block away from your house.” I said to her. I was
surprised when she replied to me “Done.” She continued to saying “If
I knew that all I had to do to earn your forgiveness was buy you food
then I would’ve done so the other times.” “Shut up and go get me my
donuts, then take your ass over to my house.” I said to her. Laughing
lightly she said “see you soon.” And hanged up the phoneFifteen minutes later Megan burst in my room with my box of
donut and a shopping bag. I went up to her and grabbed the box from
her and opening it up to see my favourite donuts, chocolate fillings
with sprinkles and extra melted sugar. Biting into one I moaned
enjoying the heavenly flavour. If I could I would married these
donuts, I was pulled out of my fantasy by my best friend clearing her
throat. “Hey Megan, I missed you so much. Thanks for the donuts by
the way you’re the best friend ever.” She said rolling her eyes.
Laughing at her I went up to her and hugged her while saying, “I’m
sorry babe, you know I love you. You should know that’s how I
behave when I see food and by the way your forgiven.”
She just looked at me and smiled. Having forgotten that she
came in with a shopping bag I raised a brow and point a finger to the
bag. “Please don’t tell me you forgot about the party we are
attending?” she said looking at me with a fake anger expression.Smiling sheepishly I said “Mayyybeee.” Ensuring to drag out the
word. “Your impossible.” She said while throwing her hands in the
air. “Where is the bag I gave you?” she asked looking around my
room. I went to my closet and picked up the bag she gave me
yesterday. “Have you even looked at it?” she asked with her hands on
her hip. Shaking my head; I was about to pull out the clothes when
she grabbed the bag away from me and threw it on the bed. “We don’t
got time for that; the party starts at nine and we haven’t even started
getting ready, go take a shower.” She said while pointing at my
I emerged a few minutes later with a fluffy towel around my
body and drying my head with another one. “I don’t understand why
we have to start getting ready right away since the party doesn’t start
for another two hours,” I complained. “Because I have to do your
makeup and make up takes time,” she said in an annoyed tone.

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