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I awoke screaming in the night. Holding my sweaty hand over my fast
beating hard as I way to calm it down. I haven’t had a nightmare for a while
now so I wondered why now. Knowing that I wouldn’t be able to sleep I took a
quick shower then headed to the room across from mine. It has been a few
months since the last time I had visited this room but it always calmed me down
after my nightmares. Turning the door knob slowly I entered allowing all the
memories to come back. Everything is in the same place as it was on that day.
Going to the closest I picked up the box I always go through when I visited.
Feeling that my legs won’t be able to support me I sat on the bed taking off the
lid of the box and taking out the first thing I saw it was a picture. Not fighting
the tears anymore I allowed them to flow freely. I went through the rest of the
box laughing and crying harder at some of the things I came across. “I miss
you.” Was the last thing I remembered saying before I passed out hugging the
photo close to me.
I awoke a few hours later to voices coming from downstairs. Quickly packing
up the box and putting back into place I head downstairs to see who the voices
belong to. I was surprised to see that it was my dad and mom along with Chad
and his friend from yesterday. “Good morning.” I said to make my presence
known. They only looked up and went back to what they were doing. I only got
reply from Chad’s friend but I really didn’t care. I turned around and headed
upstairs to my room. After making sure my door is locked I broke down allowing myself to cry once again. I don’t know what I was expecting, maybe I
wanted them to hug me and told me that they missed me.
Laughing I got up and changed into a pair of rip shorts and white tank top. I
was hungry and I sure as hell wasn’t going to sit with those people downstairs. I
sent a quick text to Megan to see if she was free and wanted to grab breakfast. I
got a reply saying yes. Texting her to meet me at the usual spot I put my phone
in my small bag along with my purse then headed downstairs. “I’m going out.”
I told them. “whatever.” Was the only response I got. Rolling my eyes I grabbed
my car keys and headed to my car. I turned off the alarm off my black Ferrari I
bought myself for my sixteenth birthday. it was my baby, hopping in I headed
off to meet Megan

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