*CHAPTER 3 ~ Mall*

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Iris' POV
It was just Friday yesterday and now, it's relax time!

What I do as a relaxation is... Read books! I love books like so much, I get a lot of new and great info's.

I was about to open the book I was going to read when my phone started ringing. It was Harper.

"Harper? Why?"

["Iris! Let's go out!"]

"Go out? Again? It's Saturday, Harper."

["Yeah, that's why we should go out."]

"What do you mean? Saturday is my Relax Day!"

["Eehh, then let's relax as a group! C'mon, no killjoy! I called Megan and Cliffor already. Let's meet at the mall. Bye!"]

"Wait, but I like ---"

*toot toot toot*

Aish. I was gonna read a book!

Harper's POV
I got to the mall to see Megan.


I walked to her and she started blabbing about how early she was.

"How come I came earlier than you? I was like here about probably 5 minutes after you called me." She says.

"I know, I know, you're very early. Good for you."

"Thanks. I just don't get it why I always come so early before you guys do."

"Yo!" It was Cliffor.

"Aish, is it Iris who we're waiting for again?" I said.

"Obviously, she's probably thinking of how many books she'll be bringing today." Megan says making me and Cliffor laugh.

"I remember her bringing 10 books during the camp haha, can she live without books?" Megan says.

"Haha probably not." Cliffor replies.

We started laughing and started telling stories until Iris came.

"Finally! What took you so long?" Cliffor asks her.

"Sorry, it was traffic." She says.

"Oohhh, oh well, let's go!" I say and went inside the mall.

Megan's POV
After years of Iris picking books to buy in the book store, we finally got out of that place.

"Iris, are you sure you can read those books?" I asked.

"Of course! I think I'll have to buy another bookshelf though." She says with a smile. Gosh, what's with those books that make Iris so inlove with them.

"Anyways, why don't we eat! That waffle looks yummy!" Harper says with excitement as she points a waffle stand near us.

"Are you serious Harper? Your hungry already?" Cliffor says.

"Well, that's me! Let's go!" She says and pulls us.

"Won't she get fat if she eats a lot?" Cliffor whispers to me.

"That's also her, she doesn't easily gain weight." I answer him.

Cliffor's POV
I'll have to buy new sets of clothes. Where should I... Oh! The men's store.

"Hey guys, could you wait for me? I'll just buy stuff." I said, pointing to a bench where they can sit.

"Eehh, you'll probably take a long time. We'll go with you." Megan says.

"What? Can we go inside a men's store? We're  girls!" Harper says making Iris face palm herself.

"Cliffor always come with us in the 'girl's store', c'mon, let's go." Megan says and pulls me inside.

"You seem like you wanted to go in here." I said to Megan.

"Well, just wanted to check my luck, I need to hunt some boys." She says and eventually went on her way. Aish.

Finally got my new clothes and I looked for my friends. Ummm, their gone?

I looked outside the window and saw there a girl sitting on the bench, reading a book, it's Iris. I hear a familiar voice which I think was Megan, I looked and yes it was her... With a guy? Did she actually find someone?

When she made eye contact with me, I immediately told her to come. When she came,

"Oh my gosh Cliffor, I can't believe this, but that guy, really asked for my number. Oh my gosh! I'm so happy!" She says and she really was happy.

"Ok ok, where's Harper? Let's go home, it's like 7:09 PM." I asked.

"Oh, she said she was hungry so I think she went to look for food." Megan says as we walk out the store. Harper is eating again?

"Guys, this story is good!" Iris says. I looked at the book she was holding and I was shocked because she was halfway already.

"Didn't you just buy that earlier?"

"Yep!" Wow... How come she reads so fast?

"Guys, I bought you fries!" Harper was heard.

"Harper, how could you be hungry again and eat like nuts?" I asked.

"Well, I told you, that's me." She says with a thumbs up.

"Ok, anyways, let's go home. You guys should be home by 8." I said.

"8? But that's too early..." The three of them says.

"I have to make sure my sisters are safe and sound at home. C'mon, stop whining." I said while pushing  them because they didn't want to go home yet.

There we go guys, another chapter done.

Anyways, do you have friends that:
- Always wants to go out/Always makes the plans of going out?
- Eats a lot but never gains weight?
- Boy Hunter?
- Fast Reader?
- Overprotective/Cares too much about you?

Vote, comment and share, I'd love to listen ❤

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