*CHAPTER 4 ~ Operation Megan*

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Megan's POV
Cliffor sent me home, safe and sound. Cliffor became my one and only brother. I'm happy I have him.

Opening my apartment, it was obviously empty. All I could do was sigh, this apartment gives me that lonely and boring vibe, I hate it.

I slowly laid on my bed, thinking of what I should do tomorrow. Staying in this apartment, it just makes me so sad and lonely, so I prefer to just go outside than staying in this place. I turned around, seeing me and my parents' picture that I treasure so much.

That's the only remembrance I have of my parents. I thought, "What would my life be like if you guys were still with me?"; "Would it have been better if I had a sibling?"


I closed my eyes, hoping I fall asleep easily, but nope.

Instead, I got my phone and called Cliffor.


["Megan? You ok?"]

"Yep... Just can't sleep, you know."

["Oh, sorry, I'd like to talk to you until you fall asleep but I can't, my sister needs my help right now."]

"Oh... Yeah sure that's fine, I kind of feel sleepy anyways. Good night."

["Good night Megan, sleep well."]

Another sigh I guess. I know I can't call Harper and Iris because for sure, they have something to do.

I feel so uneasy, how can I start a day tomorrow?

I looked at the time, it was 6:30 AM, I need some more sleep.

I ended up crying last night, making me sleep at around 2 AM. I just wanted to rest my eyes, I feel so weak and tired.

My phone rang and I answered it without looking at who it was.


["Megan! Oh my gosh, you have to come! My cousin said the Make-up Shop near our school is going to have a 24-hour, 50% sale! C'mon, let's go! I know you'll love this!"] I knew it was Harper, just by how she speaks.

"Oh really? Well, enjoy then."

["What? What do you mean? You're not coming?"]

"I have enough makeup I guess. Harper, I got to go. Bye." I ended the call without even waiting for her last reply. I wanted to go actually, I just feel so tired right now, I need to give some time for my body to rest.

Harper's POV
Woah, that was weird. I never really expected Megan to say no for this 24 hour sale. It was unusual.

Anyways, since Megan didn't want to go, I chose not to as well. Instead, I texted her, asking her if she was okay.

Hey, are you okay?

I sighed and just laid on my bed. Hmmm, what should I do now? Should I watch something or nah?

I was picking a movie to watch when my phone starts ringing. It was Cliffor.

"Hello! What's up?"

["Hi Harper, ummm have you called Megan? She ain't answering my calls."]

"Really? Yea I called her like 5 minutes ago and she was acting weird."

["Maybe she had those weird dreams she's been having a few months ago."]

"Oohhh yeah! Or maybe she feels lonely again? Should we go see her?"

["Yea sure, call Iris too."]

That's when Cliffor ended the call. Wow. He ended it just like that.

I was lazy to call Iris so I just texted her saying, 'Operation Megan, let's go.'

Iris' POV
"Tell me if you need something." I said, caressing Megan's back.

Megan called me 15 minutes ago, saying she needed someone and Harper just texted 'Operation Megan, let's go.'.

I was quite confused but I just replied, 'Done.'

Megan always had that day where she would suddenly feel weak and tired. She would think of how lonely she was and how she had no family. She has anxiety at sometimes and that worries us, her friends. We have to be with her as she only has us. Megan might be very happy outside but she suffers emotionally. 

"I'm sorry, I bother you guys a lot..." I heard her sniff. Here she goes again, I hate seeing her crying.

I hug her tightly. "Stop saying that. You're not bothering us okay?" She leans her head in my shoulder. 

"MEGAN!" the door opens, and brings out Harper and Cliffor. Megan pulls away from our hug and wipes her tears away. 

"W-what brought you here?" Harper sat beside Megan and Cliffor sat beside me, we were all in Megan's bed.

"What do you mean, we know something's bothering you." Cliffor says and took out the food they brought which is strawberry cake. Megan loves strawberry and I guess that is why they decided to buy one.

"Eat first then you can tell us your problems again. No worries."


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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