thirty [final]

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jeongguk heard a knock on the door, mimicking the same one from just days ago when the two went on their first date. the younger sighed, content, grabbing his jacket and phone before opening the door to reveal seokjin.

"c'mon babe," seokjins spoke softly, grabbing jeongguks hand in his own as he pulled him out to the car. the elder opened the passenger door, letting jeongguk climb in before closing it back and entering on his own side. simple actions like that were to blame for the younger falling so quickly.

"where we goin?" jeongguk questioned, purses lips, wide eyes focused on the road, trying to recognize their route. the elder smiled, grabbing the boys hand and resting the interlocked fingers on the youngers thigh. jeongguk fumbled with the elders fingers, nervousness coursing through him.

the car ride was long, longer than any ride jeongguk had ever experienced in his whole seventeen years of living. it was nearly an hour before the boys arrived at their destination, jeongguk surprised at the scenery.

it was han river park, pretty much empty except for the two. they got out and it was then, that jeongguk was able to understand why seokjin wanted to come here. the moon emitted just enough light on the area, making the boys eyes glow. the light reflected off the water, calmly flowing, crickets and owls heard around them.

"i've never been here before," jeongguk awed as he watched the water in front of him. seokjin couldn't help but admire the boy, his skin was glowing. his eyes were containing every single star in the sky above them, sparkling in as the boy admired the scenery.

"good thing i brought you, huh?" seokjin questioned with a small smile, he had removed to rest his arm around the youngers waist, guiding him closer to the river. the two sat in the grass, almost completely out of view if anyone else were to be there with them.

"jeongguk," seokjin began, softly encasing the hands of the boy across from him in his own. the elder carefully brought one up to his lips, pecking the backside of the jeongguks hand while keeping eye contact.

"you know i really, really like you, right?" he added, jeongguks eyes sparkling, anticipating what the boy would say next. the younger hummed in response, pressing back a smile as he watched the boy in front of him.

"i like you a lot jeongguk," he started again, "hell, i might even love you," which earned a giggle from jeongguk. seokjin removed his hands from the others, this time placing them on jeongguks knees as he took a deep breath.

"jeongguk, will you be my boyfriend?" he finally asked, the younger finally letting his wide smile out, teeth on display. he placed his hands on seokjins shoulders, pecking his lips softly.

"yes, yes, yes, i'll be your boyfriend," jeongguk smiled giddily. "only if you'll be my boyfriend too, though," he finally said, face turning into a small frown, but lighting back up instantly because seokjin just asked him to be his boyfriend!

"of course i'll be your boyfriend, babe," seokjin smiled, this time taking initiative and leaning in to kiss the other boy. they stayed there, seokjins hands now on jeongguks upper thigh as their lips moved in unison.

when they did eventually pull apart, they could only stare at eachother, suppressing smiles by pursing their lips even though their eyes were lit up like a million fireflies lived inside them. maybe butterflies in this case.

"c'mon koo, it's late," seokjin finally said standing up, pulling the younger up with him and engulfing him in a tight hug as soon as he gained balance. they stood there, swaying back and forth for a few moments until the elder pressed another kiss to jeongguks lips, then guiding him back to the car.

they drive around for a little bit, nearing on four in the morning before seokjin began the drive home. after another long while they arrived in jeongguks driveway. the elder parked the car but no one got out.

"i love you, jeongguk, so much," the boy finally said looking at the younger, moving his hand up and down his leg. jeongguk smiled for the billionth time that night, leaning over the console and pressing his lips against seokjins. the elder eventually pulled jeongguk over, onto his lap, legs on either side of the elders torso.

the boys sat there, lips only pulling apart for a gasp of air until they leaned back in again. seokjins hands were stuck on the youngers thighs, jeongguks arms wrapped around the elders shoulders until they pulled away permanently in the moment.

"i love you too, jinnie," jeongguk finally breathed out, opening the car door and stepping out, waiting for seokjin to follow. the elder was lead to the door, the two quietly saying their goodbyes over and over again, neither of them wanting to leave the other. the indecision would only result in jeongguk staying at the elders home that night.


a/n i just want to say thank you to everyone who's read this and voted! it really means a lot to me that you guys read this and i hope you all enjoyed it! i'm working on another short story, so stay tuned! let me know if you guys want any extra fluffy chapters and i'd love to write them. thank you again for reading, i love you all and hope you enjoyed!

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