To All Who's Hurting

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To all who's hurting,
           Take your time to heal. I know how hard it is to sleep with a broken heart and woke up with tears in your eyes. You can cry your heart out. Weep for the what ifs and what we could have been.

          The road to healing will be long. There will be times where you want to end the pain in an instant. There will be times when the silence becomes your enemy and your own voice will betray you but never stop walking at the right path. You've been in darkness for such a long time so the ray of light may hurt your eyes but you will get used to it until it won't hurt anymore.

          Someday, your smile will be genuine. It will speak of love and triumph over pain. You won't need to use it as a mask for misery.

         Someday, your laughter will be an echo of real joy that can be found despite the storms in life. Your boat won't sink anymore. You will reach the end of a rainbow with overflowing gaiety.

        The past won't hurt you anymore but it would remind you that once in your life you fell but now you learn how to stand up again.

          It will happen. It can happen. Trust the Lord and surrender all the pain of rejection. He will heal you from all the heartaches. You deserve to be happy.

At least We MetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon